Puzzles Containing APPLE

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  SLEEP + BLOT = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, BLOT and SLEEP.
  SLEEP + BLOW = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, BLOW and SLEEP.
  SLEEP + BLUR = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, BLUR and SLEEP.
  SLEEP + CAMS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, CAMS and SLEEP.
  SLEEP + CANS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, CANS and SLEEP.
  SLEEP + CARS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, CARS and SLEEP.
  SLEEP + CENT = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, CENT and SLEEP.
  SLEEP + CLIP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, CLIP and SLEEP.
  SLEEP + DAMS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, DAMS and SLEEP.
  SLEEP + DAYS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, DAYS and SLEEP.
  SLEEP + DEER = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, DEER and SLEEP.
  SLEEP + DIED = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, DIED and SLEEP.
  SLEEP + DYED = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, DYED and SLEEP.
  SLEEP + EVES = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, EVES and SLEEP.
  SLEEP + EYES = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, EYES and SLEEP.
  SLEEP + FANS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, FANS and SLEEP.
  SLEEP + FATS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, FATS and SLEEP.
  SLEEP + FEET = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, FEET and SLEEP.
  SLEEP + FLIP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, FLIP and SLEEP.
  SLEEP + FLOP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, FLOP and SLEEP.
  SLEEP + FLOW = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, FLOW and SLEEP.
  SLEEP + GETS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, GETS and SLEEP.
  SLEEP + GLOW = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, GLOW and SLEEP.
  SLEEP + HATS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, HATS and SLEEP.
  SLEEP + HEAP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, HEAP and SLEEP.
  SLEEP + HEMS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, HEMS and SLEEP.
  SLEEP + HERS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, HERS and SLEEP.
  SLEEP + JAMS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, JAMS and SLEEP.
  SLEEP + JARS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, JARS and SLEEP.
  SLEEP + JAWS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, JAWS and SLEEP.
  SLEEP + JERK = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, JERK and SLEEP.
  SLEEP + JETS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, JETS and SLEEP.
  SLEEP + KEEN = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, KEEN and SLEEP.
  SLEEP + KEYS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, KEYS and SLEEP.
  SLEEP + LAWS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LAWS and SLEEP.
  SLEEP + LAYS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LAYS and SLEEP.
  SLEEP + LEAD = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LEAD and SLEEP.
  SLEEP + LEAF = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LEAF and SLEEP.
  SLEEP + LEAK = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LEAK and SLEEP.
  SLEEP + LEAN = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LEAN and SLEEP.
  SLEEP + LEES = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LEES and SLEEP.
  SLEEP + LIDS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LIDS and SLEEP.
  SLEEP + LISA = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LISA and SLEEP.
  SLEEP + LOAD = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LOAD and SLEEP.
  SLEEP + LOAF = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LOAF and SLEEP.
  SLEEP + LOAN = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LOAN and SLEEP.
  SLEEP + LOGS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LOGS and SLEEP.
  SLEEP + LORA = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LORA and SLEEP.
  SLEEP + LOSS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LOSS and SLEEP.
  SLEEP + LOTS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LOTS and SLEEP.
  SLEEP + MEET = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, MEET and SLEEP.
  SLEEP + MEND = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, MEND and SLEEP.
  SLEEP + MENU = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, MENU and SLEEP.
  SLEEP + NETS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, NETS and SLEEP.
  SLEEP + NEWS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, NEWS and SLEEP.
  SLEEP + OAKS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, OAKS and SLEEP.
  SLEEP + OARS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, OARS and SLEEP.
  SLEEP + PEAK = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, PEAK and SLEEP.
  SLEEP + PEAR = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, PEAR and SLEEP.
  SLEEP + REAP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, REAP and SLEEP.
  SLEEP + REAR = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, REAR and SLEEP.
  SLEEP + SIPS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SIPS and SLEEP.
  SLEEP + SNAP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SLEEP and SNAP.
  SLEEP + SOAP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SLEEP and SOAP.
  SLEEP + STEP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SLEEP and STEP.
  SLEEP + SWAP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SLEEP and SWAP.
  SLEEP + VENT = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SLEEP and VENT.
  SLEEP + WENT = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SLEEP and WENT.
  SLEEP + ZERO = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SLEEP and ZERO.
  SLEPT + ABET = APPLE ~~ Words Used : ABET, APPLE and SLEPT.
  SLEPT + ACT = APPLE ~~ Words Used : ACT, APPLE and SLEPT.
  SLEPT + ALBA = APPLE ~~ Words Used : ALBA, APPLE and SLEPT.
  SLEPT + ANT = APPLE ~~ Words Used : ANT, APPLE and SLEPT.
  SLEPT + EVES = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, EVES and SLEPT.
  SLEPT + EYES = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, EYES and SLEPT.
  SLEPT + GAGE = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, GAGE and SLEPT.
  SLEPT + HEAP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, HEAP and SLEPT.
  SLEPT + LIES = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LIES and SLEPT.
  SLEPT + LISA = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LISA and SLEPT.
  SLEPT + POOL = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, POOL and SLEPT.
  SLEPT + REAP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, REAP and SLEPT.
  SLEPT + SEAL = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SEAL and SLEPT.
  SLEPT + SEAS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SEAS and SLEPT.
  SLEPT + SEAT = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SEAT and SLEPT.
  SLEPT + SEES = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SEES and SLEPT.
  SLEPT + STEP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SLEPT and STEP.
  SLEPT + TENT = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SLEPT and TENT.
  SLEPT + TEXT = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SLEPT and TEXT.
  SLICE + CAPE = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, CAPE and SLICE.
  SLID + SLID = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE and SLID.
  SLIM + SLIM = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE and SLIM.
  SLING + PINS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, PINS and SLING.
  SLIPS + CLIP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, CLIP and SLIPS.
  SLIPS + EGG = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, EGG and SLIPS.
  SLIPS + FLIP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, FLIP and SLIPS.
  SLIPS + IDA = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, IDA and SLIPS.
  SLIPS + ITS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, ITS and SLIPS.
  SLIPS + LEAP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LEAP and SLIPS.
  SLIPS + LEES = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LEES and SLIPS.
  SLIPS + LIES = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LIES and SLIPS.
  SLIPS + LOG = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LOG and SLIPS.
  SLIPS + LOOP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LOOP and SLIPS.
  SLIPS + LOT = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LOT and SLIPS.
  SLIPS + LOW = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LOW and SLIPS.
  SLIPS + MESS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, MESS and SLIPS.
  SLIPS + PIER = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, PIER and SLIPS.
  SLIPS + PINS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, PINS and SLIPS.
  SLIPS + PITS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, PITS and SLIPS.
  SLIPS + POOL = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, POOL and SLIPS.
  SLIPS + SEAS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SEAS and SLIPS.
  SLIT + SLIT = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE and SLIT.
  SLITS + EAST = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, EAST and SLITS.
  SLITS + EGG = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, EGG and SLITS.
  SLITS + ITS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, ITS and SLITS.
  SLITS + LAST = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LAST and SLITS.
  SLITS + LEAP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LEAP and SLITS.
  SLITS + LET = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LET and SLITS.
  SLITS + LIES = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LIES and SLITS.
  SLITS + LIT = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LIT and SLITS.
  SLITS + PATH = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, PATH and SLITS.
  SLITS + PEAS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, PEAS and SLITS.
  SLITS + SET = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SET and SLITS.
  SLITS + TIPS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SLITS and TIPS.
  SLOPE + GAGE = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, GAGE and SLOPE.
  SLOT + SLOT = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE and SLOT.
  SLOTS + EAST = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, EAST and SLOTS.
  SLOTS + EGG = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, EGG and SLOTS.
  SLOTS + LAST = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LAST and SLOTS.
  SLOTS + LEAP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LEAP and SLOTS.
  SLOTS + LET = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LET and SLOTS.
  SLOTS + LOT = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LOT and SLOTS.
  SLOTS + PATH = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, PATH and SLOTS.
  SLOTS + PEAS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, PEAS and SLOTS.
  SLOTS + POPS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, POPS and SLOTS.
  SLOTS + SET = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SET and SLOTS.
  SLOTS + TOES = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SLOTS and TOES.
  SLOTS + TOPS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SLOTS and TOPS.
  SLOW + SLOW = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE and SLOW.
  SLOWS + EGG = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, EGG and SLOWS.
  SLOWS + LEAP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LEAP and SLOWS.
  SLOWS + LOW = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LOW and SLOWS.
  SLOWS + OWN = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, OWN and SLOWS.
  SLOWS + PEAS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, PEAS and SLOWS.
  SLOWS + POPS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, POPS and SLOWS.
  SLOWS + SEW = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SEW and SLOWS.
  SLOWS + SWAP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SLOWS and SWAP.
  SLOWS + WEEP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SLOWS and WEEP.
  SMALL + LAMP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LAMP and SMALL.
  SMELL + ALAN = APPLE ~~ Words Used : ALAN, APPLE and SMELL.
  SMELL + LAPS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LAPS and SMELL.
  SNAP + SNAP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE and SNAP.
  SNAP + SOON = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SNAP and SOON.
  SNAPS + EARS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, EARS and SNAPS.
  SNAPS + EATS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, EATS and SNAPS.
  SNAPS + EGG = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, EGG and SNAPS.
  SNAPS + GAS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, GAS and SNAPS.
  SNAPS + HAS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, HAS and SNAPS.
  SNAPS + LESS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LESS and SNAPS.
  SNAPS + LOAN = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LOAN and SNAPS.
  SNAPS + LOSS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LOSS and SNAPS.
  SNAPS + NAIL = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, NAIL and SNAPS.
  SNAPS + OPEN = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, OPEN and SNAPS.
  SNAPS + PANS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, PANS and SNAPS.
  SNAPS + PASS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, PASS and SNAPS.
  SNAPS + PEAS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, PEAS and SNAPS.
  SNAPS + PENS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, PENS and SNAPS.
  SNAPS + SAPS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SAPS and SNAPS.
  SNAPS + SEAS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SEAS and SNAPS.
  SNAPS + SOIL = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SNAPS and SOIL.
  SNAPS + SPED = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SNAPS and SPED.
  SNAPS + TENS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SNAPS and TENS.
  SNAPS + WAS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SNAPS and WAS.
  SNAPS + YES = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SNAPS and YES.
  SNOWS + OWN = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, OWN and SNOWS.
  SNOWS + OWNS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, OWNS and SNOWS.
  SOAKS + KEEP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, KEEP and SOAKS.
  SOAKS + KEY = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, KEY and SOAKS.
  SOAKS + OAKS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, OAKS and SOAKS.
  SOAKS + SET = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SET and SOAKS.
  SOAKS + SEW = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SEW and SOAKS.
  SOAKS + SLAP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SLAP and SOAKS.
  SOAP + SOAP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE and SOAP.
  SOAPS + ALAN = APPLE ~~ Words Used : ALAN, APPLE and SOAPS.
  SOAPS + EARS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, EARS and SOAPS.
  SOAPS + EATS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, EATS and SOAPS.
  SOAPS + EGG = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, EGG and SOAPS.
  SOAPS + GAS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, GAS and SOAPS.
  SOAPS + HAS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, HAS and SOAPS.
  SOAPS + LESS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LESS and SOAPS.
  SOAPS + OAKS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, OAKS and SOAPS.
  SOAPS + OARS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, OARS and SOAPS.
  SOAPS + PASS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, PASS and SOAPS.
  SOAPS + PEAS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, PEAS and SOAPS.
  SOAPS + SAPS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SAPS and SOAPS.
  SOAPS + SEAS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SEAS and SOAPS.
  SOAPS + SPED = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SOAPS and SPED.
  SOAPS + WAS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SOAPS and WAS.
  SOAPS + YES = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SOAPS and YES.
  SOCKS + LOOP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LOOP and SOCKS.
  SOILS + OILS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, OILS and SOILS.
  SOLAR + REAP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, REAP and SOLAR.
  SOLE x UP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SOLE, UP and USAGE.
  SOLED + DOOR = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, DOOR and SOLED.
  SOLES + DOES = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, DOES and SOLES.
  SOLES + EGG = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, EGG and SOLES.
  SOLES + EGGS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, EGGS and SOLES.
  SOLES + GOES = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, GOES and SOLES.
  SOLES + HOOP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, HOOP and SOLES.
  SOLES + MOPS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, MOPS and SOLES.
  SOLES + ORAL = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, ORAL and SOLES.
  SOLES + PASS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, PASS and SOLES.
  SOLES + ROSA = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, ROSA and SOLES.
  SOLES + SEAL = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SEAL and SOLES.
  SOLES + SOB = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SOB and SOLES.
  SOLES + SOD = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SOD and SOLES.
  SOLES + SON = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SOLES and SON.
  SOLES + TOED = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SOLES and TOED.
  SOLES + TOES = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SOLES and TOES.
  SOLES + TOPS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SOLES and TOPS.
  SOLID + LID = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LID and SOLID.
  SOLID + SAIL = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SAIL and SOLID.
  SONGS + EGG = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, EGG and SONGS.
  SOON + OIL = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, OIL and SOON.
  SORTS + LOOP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LOOP and SORTS.
  SPANS + BEEP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, BEEP and SPANS.
  SPANS + DEEP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, DEEP and SPANS.
  SPANS + KEEP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, KEEP and SPANS.
  SPANS + LAPS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LAPS and SPANS.
  SPANS + LEES = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LEES and SPANS.
  SPANS + LESS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LESS and SPANS.
  SPANS + NEST = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, NEST and SPANS.
  SPANS + NETS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, NETS and SPANS.
  SPANS + NEWS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, NEWS and SPANS.
  SPANS + WEEP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SPANS and WEEP.
  SPARK + EARS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, EARS and SPARK.
  SPARS + BEEP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, BEEP and SPARS.
  SPARS + DEEP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, DEEP and SPARS.
  SPARS + KEEP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, KEEP and SPARS.
  SPARS + LAPS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LAPS and SPARS.
  SPARS + LEES = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LEES and SPARS.
  SPARS + LESS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LESS and SPARS.
  SPARS + RAPS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, RAPS and SPARS.
  SPARS + REEL = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, REEL and SPARS.
  SPARS + REST = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, REST and SPARS.
  SPARS + WEEP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SPARS and WEEP.
  SPEAK + LEAK = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LEAK and SPEAK.
  SPEAK + LOSS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LOSS and SPEAK.
  SPEAR + LOSS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LOSS and SPEAR.
  SPEED + LEAP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LEAP and SPEED.
  SPEED + LEGS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LEGS and SPEED.
  SPEED + LEND = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LEND and SPEED.
  SPEED + LENS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LENS and SPEED.
  SPEED + LETS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LETS and SPEED.
  SPEND + LEES = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LEES and SPEND.
  SPENT + LEES = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LEES and SPENT.
  SPINS + LEAP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LEAP and SPINS.
  SPINS + LENS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LENS and SPINS.
  SPLIT + DIPS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, DIPS and SPLIT.
  SPLIT + HIPS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, HIPS and SPLIT.
  SPLIT + RIPS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, RIPS and SPLIT.
  SPLIT + ZIPS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SPLIT and ZIPS.
  SPOOL + HOOP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, HOOP and SPOOL.
  SPOTS + LEAP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LEAP and SPOTS.
  SPOTS + LETS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LETS and SPOTS.
  SPOTS + LOTS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LOTS and SPOTS.
  SPRAY + LESS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LESS and SPRAY.
  STAFF + SAPS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SAPS and STAFF.
  STALL + DATA = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, DATA and STALL.
  STALL + TAUT = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, STALL and TAUT.
  STAMP + LEES = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LEES and STAMP.
  STAMP + LESS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LESS and STAMP.
  STAMP + MAPS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, MAPS and STAMP.
  STAMP + SEES = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SEES and STAMP.
  STAND + SLED = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SLED and STAND.
  STAR + LET = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LET and STAR.
  STARS + AIR = APPLE ~~ Words Used : AIR, APPLE and STARS.
  STARS + AIRS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : AIRS, APPLE and STARS.
  STARS + EARS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, EARS and STARS.
  STARS + EAT = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, EAT and STARS.
  STARS + REAP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, REAP and STARS.
  STARS + SAT = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SAT and STARS.
  STARS + SLAP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SLAP and STARS.
  STARS + TAPS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, STARS and TAPS.
  STARS + TARS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, STARS and TARS.
  STARS + TRAP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, STARS and TRAP.
  START + TALL = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, START and TALL.
  STATE + LATE = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LATE and STATE.
  STATE + TAKE = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, STATE and TAKE.
  STAY + LET = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LET and STAY.
  STAYS + AMY = APPLE ~~ Words Used : AMY, APPLE and STAYS.
  STAYS + EAT = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, EAT and STAYS.
  STAYS + EYES = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, EYES and STAYS.
  STAYS + SAT = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SAT and STAYS.
  STAYS + SAY = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SAY and STAYS.
  STAYS + SLAP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SLAP and STAYS.
  STAYS + TAPS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, STAYS and TAPS.
  STAYS + YES = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, STAYS and YES.
  STEAM + EVES = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, EVES and STEAM.
  STEAM + EYES = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, EYES and STEAM.
  STEAM + LEES = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LEES and STEAM.
  STEAM + SEAL = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SEAL and STEAM.
  STEEL + BETS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, BETS and STEEL.
  STEEL + CAST = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, CAST and STEEL.
  STEEL + EVES = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, EVES and STEEL.
  STEEL + EYES = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, EYES and STEEL.
  STEEL + FAST = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, FAST and STEEL.
  STEEL + GETS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, GETS and STEEL.
  STEEL + JETS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, JETS and STEEL.
  STEEL + LAW = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LAW and STEEL.
  STEEL + LAY = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LAY and STEEL.
  STEEL + LEES = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LEES and STEEL.
  STEEL + MAST = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, MAST and STEEL.
  STEEL + PASS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, PASS and STEEL.
  STEEL + PEGS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, PEGS and STEEL.
  STEEL + SAIL = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SAIL and STEEL.
  STEEL + SEAL = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SEAL and STEEL.
  STEEL + SEAS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SEAS and STEEL.
  STEEL + SEWS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SEWS and STEEL.
  STEEL + SLIP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SLIP and STEEL.
  STEEL + TOES = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, STEEL and TOES.
  STEEL + WETS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, STEEL and WETS.
  STEEP + BATS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, BATS and STEEP.
  STEEP + BETS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, BETS and STEEP.
  STEEP + FAST = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, FAST and STEEP.
  STEEP + FATS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, FATS and STEEP.
  STEEP + GETS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, GETS and STEEP.
  STEEP + JETS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, JETS and STEEP.
  STEEP + LAWS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LAWS and STEEP.
  STEEP + LAYS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LAYS and STEEP.
  STEEP + LEAP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LEAP and STEEP.
  STEEP + LOTS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LOTS and STEEP.
  STEEP + MAST = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, MAST and STEEP.
  STEEP + MATS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, MATS and STEEP.
  STEEP + NETS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, NETS and STEEP.
  STEEP + PATS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, PATS and STEEP.
  STEEP + SAPS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SAPS and STEEP.
  STEEP + SEAL = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SEAL and STEEP.
  STEEP + SEES = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SEES and STEEP.
  STEEP + SLAP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SLAP and STEEP.
  STEEP + TOES = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, STEEP and TOES.
  STEEP + TOOL = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, STEEP and TOOL.
  STEEP + WETS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, STEEP and WETS.
  STEER + REAR = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, REAR and STEER.
  STEM + STEP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, STEM and STEP.
  STEMS + LEES = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LEES and STEMS.
  STEMS + MAPS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, MAPS and STEMS.
  STEMS + MEAL = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, MEAL and STEMS.
  STEMS + PATS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, PATS and STEMS.
  STEMS + POOL = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, POOL and STEMS.
  STEMS + TEAM = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, STEMS and TEAM.
  STEMS + TELL = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, STEMS and TELL.
  STEMS + TIM = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, STEMS and TIM.
  STEMS + TOM = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, STEMS and TOM.
  STEP + STEP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE and STEP.
  STEP + TEND = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, STEP and TEND.
  STEP + TERM = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, STEP and TERM.
  STEP + THEM = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, STEP and THEM.
  STEP + THEN = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, STEP and THEN.
  STEP + THEY = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, STEP and THEY.
  STEP + TIED = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, STEP and TIED.
  STEP + TOED = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, STEP and TOED.
  STEP + TOES = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, STEP and TOES.
  STEP + USED = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, STEP and USED.
  STEP + USER = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, STEP and USER.
  STEPS + AGO = APPLE ~~ Words Used : AGO, APPLE and STEPS.
  STEPS + AID = APPLE ~~ Words Used : AID, APPLE and STEPS.
  STEPS + AIM = APPLE ~~ Words Used : AIM, APPLE and STEPS.
  STEPS + AIR = APPLE ~~ Words Used : AIR, APPLE and STEPS.
  STEPS + AND = APPLE ~~ Words Used : AND, APPLE and STEPS.
  STEPS + ANY = APPLE ~~ Words Used : ANY, APPLE and STEPS.
  STEPS + BATS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, BATS and STEPS.
  STEPS + BETS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, BETS and STEPS.
  STEPS + EAT = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, EAT and STEPS.
  STEPS + FATS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, FATS and STEPS.
  STEPS + GETS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, GETS and STEPS.
  STEPS + HATS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, HATS and STEPS.
  STEPS + JETS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, JETS and STEPS.
  STEPS + LAPS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LAPS and STEPS.
  STEPS + LAW = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LAW and STEPS.
  STEPS + LAY = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LAY and STEPS.
  STEPS + LETS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LETS and STEPS.
  STEPS + LOSS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LOSS and STEPS.
  STEPS + LOTS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LOTS and STEPS.
  STEPS + MATS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, MATS and STEPS.
  STEPS + NETS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, NETS and STEPS.
  STEPS + PATS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, PATS and STEPS.
  STEPS + PEAS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, PEAS and STEPS.
  STEPS + POOL = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, POOL and STEPS.
  STEPS + SEAS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SEAS and STEPS.
  STEPS + SEES = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SEES and STEPS.
  STEPS + TAPS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, STEPS and TAPS.
  STEPS + TENT = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, STEPS and TENT.
  STEPS + TEXT = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, STEPS and TEXT.
  STEPS + TRAP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, STEPS and TRAP.
  STEPS + WETS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, STEPS and WETS.
  STERN + AREA = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, AREA and STERN.
  STERN + LEES = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LEES and STERN.
  STERN + PINK = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, PINK and STERN.
  STERN + POND = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, POND and STERN.
  STERN + SNAP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SNAP and STERN.
  STERN + TEST = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, STERN and TEST.
  STILL + LEAP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LEAP and STILL.
  STOOL + BOOT = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, BOOT and STOOL.
  STOOL + ETCH = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, ETCH and STOOL.
  STOOL + FOOT = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, FOOT and STOOL.
  STOOL + HOOT = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, HOOT and STOOL.
  STOOL + LETS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LETS and STOOL.
  STOOL + OAK = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, OAK and STOOL.
  STOOL + OAR = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, OAR and STOOL.
  STOOL + OLGA = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, OLGA and STOOL.
  STOOL + OMIT = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, OMIT and STOOL.
  STOOL + PEGS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, PEGS and STOOL.
  STOOL + PENS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, PENS and STOOL.
  STOOL + PLOT = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, PLOT and STOOL.
  STOOL + TOPS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, STOOL and TOPS.
  STOOP + ATOM = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, ATOM and STOOP.
  STOOP + LOOP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LOOP and STOOP.
  STOOP + LOTS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LOTS and STOOP.
  STOOP + ONES = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, ONES and STOOP.
  STOOP + ORES = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, ORES and STOOP.
  STOOP + POOL = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, POOL and STOOP.
  STOOP + TOES = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, STOOP and TOES.
  STOPS + LAW = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LAW and STOPS.
  STOPS + LAY = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LAY and STOPS.
  STOPS + LESS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LESS and STOPS.
  STOPS + LETS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LETS and STOPS.
  STOPS + LOST = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LOST and STOPS.
  STOPS + LOTS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LOTS and STOPS.
  STOPS + SEA = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SEA and STOPS.
  STOPS + TOAD = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, STOPS and TOAD.
  STOPS + TOOL = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, STOPS and TOOL.
  STRAP + ARTS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, ARTS and STRAP.
  STRAP + LEAP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LEAP and STRAP.
  STRAP + REAL = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, REAL and STRAP.
  STRAP + REAP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, REAP and STRAP.
  STRAP + SEES = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SEES and STRAP.
  STRAP + SETS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SETS and STRAP.
  STRAP + TELL = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, STRAP and TELL.
  STRAW + REAP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, REAP and STRAW.
  STRIP + REAR = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, REAR and STRIP.
  STRIP + RIPS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, RIPS and STRIP.
  STRUT + AREA = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, AREA and STRUT.
  SURER + BUS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, BUS and SURER.
  SURER + EARS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, EARS and SURER.
  SURER + LEES = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LEES and SURER.
  SURER + RAG = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, RAG and SURER.
  SURER + RAM = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, RAM and SURER.
  SURER + RAN = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, RAN and SURER.
  SURER + RAT = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, RAT and SURER.
  SURER + RAW = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, RAW and SURER.
  SURER + RAY = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, RAY and SURER.
  SURER + REAR = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, REAR and SURER.
  SURGE x AS = ACCUSE ~~ Words Used : ACCUSE, APPLE, AS and SURGE.
  SUSAN + SEAS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SEAS and SUSAN.
  SWABS + ABET = APPLE ~~ Words Used : ABET, APPLE and SWABS.
  SWABS + BEEP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, BEEP and SWABS.
  SWABS + SAW = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SAW and SWABS.
  SWABS + SLAP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SLAP and SWABS.
  SWAMP + ARMS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, ARMS and SWAMP.
  SWAMP + LEES = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LEES and SWAMP.
  SWAMP + LESS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LESS and SWAMP.
  SWAMP + MAPS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, MAPS and SWAMP.
  SWAMP + SEES = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SEES and SWAMP.
  SWAP + SWAP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE and SWAP.
  SWAPS + ALAN = APPLE ~~ Words Used : ALAN, APPLE and SWAPS.
  SWAPS + EARS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, EARS and SWAPS.
  SWAPS + EATS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, EATS and SWAPS.
  SWAPS + EGG = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, EGG and SWAPS.
  SWAPS + LAWS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LAWS and SWAPS.
  SWAPS + LESS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LESS and SWAPS.
  SWAPS + LOSS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LOSS and SWAPS.
  SWAPS + PASS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, PASS and SWAPS.
  SWAPS + PAWS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, PAWS and SWAPS.
  SWAPS + PEAS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, PEAS and SWAPS.
  SWAPS + SAPS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SAPS and SWAPS.
  SWAPS + SEAS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SEAS and SWAPS.
  SWAPS + SOIL = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SOIL and SWAPS.
  SWAPS + SPED = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SPED and SWAPS.
  SWAPS + WAGS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SWAPS and WAGS.
  SWAPS + WAIL = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SWAPS and WAIL.
  SWAPS + WARS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SWAPS and WARS.
  SWAPS + WAYS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SWAPS and WAYS.
  SWAPS + YES = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SWAPS and YES.
  SWATS + WEEP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SWATS and WEEP.
  SWEEP + JAWS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, JAWS and SWEEP.
  SWEEP + LEAP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LEAP and SWEEP.
  SWEEP + LEGS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LEGS and SWEEP.
  SWEEP + LENS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LENS and SWEEP.
  SWEEP + LETS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LETS and SWEEP.
  SWEEP + OWNS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, OWNS and SWEEP.
  SWEEP + PAWS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, PAWS and SWEEP.
  SWEEP + SAPS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SAPS and SWEEP.
  SWEEP + SEAL = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SEAL and SWEEP.
  SWEEP + SEES = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SEES and SWEEP.
  SWEEP + SEWN = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SEWN and SWEEP.
  SWEEP + SLAP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SLAP and SWEEP.
  SWEEP + WAGS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SWEEP and WAGS.
  SWEEP + WAYS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SWEEP and WAYS.
  SWEEP + WOOL = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SWEEP and WOOL.
  SWEEP + YAWS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SWEEP and YAWS.
  SWEET + SAPS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SAPS and SWEET.
  SWEET + TEST = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SWEET and TEST.
  SWELL + ALAN = APPLE ~~ Words Used : ALAN, APPLE and SWELL.
  SWELL + LAPS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LAPS and SWELL.
  SWELL + WEBS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SWELL and WEBS.
  SWELL + WEDS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SWELL and WEDS.
  SWELL + WETS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SWELL and WETS.
  SWELL + WRAP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SWELL and WRAP.
  SWEPT + LEAP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LEAP and SWEPT.
  SWEPT + SEA = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SEA and SWEPT.
  SWEPT + SEAT = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SEAT and SWEPT.
  SWEPT + WEEP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SWEPT and WEEP.
  SWIM + WEEP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SWIM and WEEP.
  SWUM + WEEP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SWUM and WEEP.
  TAIL + OIL = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, OIL and TAIL.
  TAIL + TALL = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, TAIL and TALL.
  TAIL + TOOL = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, TAIL and TOOL.
  TAKEN + ANT = APPLE ~~ Words Used : ANT, APPLE and TAKEN.
  TAKEN + EARN = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, EARN and TAKEN.
  TAKEN + LENT = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LENT and TAKEN.
  TAKEN + PLAN = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, PLAN and TAKEN.
  TAKES + EARS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, EARS and TAKES.
  TALKS + EATS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, EATS and TALKS.
  TALKS + LEAK = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LEAK and TALKS.
  TALKS + PEAK = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, PEAK and TALKS.
  TALL + TAUT = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, TALL and TAUT.
  TAPE + TAPE = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE and TAPE.
  TAPED + LEAP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LEAP and TAPED.
  TAPED + SETS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SETS and TAPED.
  TAPED + TREE = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, TAPED and TREE.
  TAPER + LEAP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LEAP and TAPER.
  TAPER + SETS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SETS and TAPER.
  TAPES + LEAP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LEAP and TAPES.
  TAPES + LESS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LESS and TAPES.
  TAPES + TREE = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, TAPES and TREE.
  TAPIR + REAR = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, REAR and TAPIR.
  TAPS + TEST = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, TAPS and TEST.
  TASTE + LATE = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LATE and TASTE.
  TAXES + EARS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, EARS and TAXES.
  TEACH + EACH = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, EACH and TEACH.
  TEAM + EAT = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, EAT and TEAM.
  TEAM + LET = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LET and TEAM.
  TEAM + TOOL = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, TEAM and TOOL.
  TEAR + LET = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LET and TEAR.
  TEAR + TOOL = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, TEAR and TOOL.
  TEAR + TRAP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, TEAR and TRAP.
  TEARS + ARTS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, ARTS and TEARS.
  TEARS + TRIP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, TEARS and TRIP.
  TEETH + BEEP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, BEEP and TEETH.
  TEETH + BENT = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, BENT and TEETH.
  TEETH + BEST = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, BEST and TEETH.
  TEETH + CENT = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, CENT and TEETH.
  TEETH + DEEP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, DEEP and TEETH.
  TEETH + DENT = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, DENT and TEETH.
  TEETH + EMMA = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, EMMA and TEETH.
  TEETH + FEET = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, FEET and TEETH.
  TEETH + KEEP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, KEEP and TEETH.
  TEETH + KEPT = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, KEPT and TEETH.
  TEETH + LEAP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LEAP and TEETH.
  TEETH + MEET = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, MEET and TEETH.
  TEETH + REAP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, REAP and TEETH.
  TEETH + REST = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, REST and TEETH.
  TEETH + RITA = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, RITA and TEETH.
  TEETH + SETS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SETS and TEETH.
  TEETH + VENT = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, TEETH and VENT.
  TEETH + WEEP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, TEETH and WEEP.
  TEETH + WENT = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, TEETH and WENT.
  TEETH + WEST = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, TEETH and WEST.
  TELLS + SLAM = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SLAM and TELLS.
  TEND + LED = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LED and TEND.
  TENT + EAR = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, EAR and TENT.
  TENT + END = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, END and TENT.
  TENTH + TAN = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, TAN and TENTH.
  TENTH + TAPE = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, TAPE and TENTH.
  TENTS + CAST = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, CAST and TENTS.
  TENTS + FAST = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, FAST and TENTS.
  TENTS + LAST = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LAST and TENTS.
  TENTS + MAST = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, MAST and TENTS.
  TENTS + SEAS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SEAS and TENTS.
  TENTS + SLAP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SLAP and TENTS.
  TENTS + SNAP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SNAP and TENTS.
  TENTS + TAN = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, TAN and TENTS.
  TENTS + TAPE = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, TAPE and TENTS.
  TERM + EAR = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, EAR and TERM.
  TERMS + HEAP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, HEAP and TERMS.
  TEST + EAR = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, EAR and TEST.
  TEST + SAT = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SAT and TEST.
  TEST + TIPS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, TEST and TIPS.
  TEST + TOPS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, TEST and TOPS.
  TESTS + ALBA = APPLE ~~ Words Used : ALBA, APPLE and TESTS.
  TESTS + ALEC = APPLE ~~ Words Used : ALEC, APPLE and TESTS.
  TESTS + CAPS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, CAPS and TESTS.
  TESTS + EARS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, EARS and TESTS.
  TESTS + EATS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, EATS and TESTS.
  TESTS + EGGS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, EGGS and TESTS.
  TESTS + ENDS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, ENDS and TESTS.
  TESTS + EVES = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, EVES and TESTS.
  TESTS + EYES = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, EYES and TESTS.
  TESTS + FEES = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, FEES and TESTS.
  TESTS + GAPS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, GAPS and TESTS.
  TESTS + LEGS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LEGS and TESTS.
  TESTS + LENS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LENS and TESTS.
  TESTS + LOTS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LOTS and TESTS.
  TESTS + MAPS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, MAPS and TESTS.
  TESTS + PEAK = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, PEAK and TESTS.
  TESTS + PEAR = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, PEAR and TESTS.
  TESTS + RAPS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, RAPS and TESTS.
  TESTS + SAD = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SAD and TESTS.
  TESTS + SAM = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SAM and TESTS.
  TESTS + SAW = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SAW and TESTS.
  TESTS + SAY = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SAY and TESTS.
  TESTS + SLED = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SLED and TESTS.
  TESTS + STAR = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, STAR and TESTS.
  TESTS + STAY = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, STAY and TESTS.
  TESTS + TAB = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, TAB and TESTS.
  TESTS + TAG = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, TAG and TESTS.
  TESTS + TAN = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, TAN and TESTS.
  TESTS + TAR = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, TAR and TESTS.
  TESTS + TAX = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, TAX and TESTS.
  TEXT + EAR = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, EAR and TEXT.
  TEXTS + CAST = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, CAST and TEXTS.
  TEXTS + EXIT = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, EXIT and TEXTS.
  TEXTS + FAST = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, FAST and TEXTS.
  TEXTS + LAST = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LAST and TEXTS.
  TEXTS + MAST = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, MAST and TEXTS.
  TEXTS + SEAS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SEAS and TEXTS.
  TEXTS + SLAP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SLAP and TEXTS.
  TEXTS + TAPE = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, TAPE and TEXTS.
  TEXTS + TAX = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, TAX and TEXTS.
  THEIR + CHIP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, CHIP and THEIR.
  THEIR + SHIP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SHIP and THEIR.
  THEIR + WHIP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, THEIR and WHIP.
  THEM + LET = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LET and THEM.
  THEN + LET = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LET and THEN.
  THERE + LEAP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LEAP and THERE.
  TICKS + CHIP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, CHIP and TICKS.
  TIE x HE = APPLE ~~ Words Used : ABLE, APPLE, CHOP, HE and TIE.
  TIE x HE = APPLE ~~ Words Used : ABLE, APPLE, HE, SHOP and TIE.
  TIE x HE = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, AXLE, CHOP, HE and TIE.
  TIE x HE = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, AXLE, HE, SHOP and TIE.
  TIE x ILL = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, FILE, ILL and TIE.
  TIE x ILL = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, ILL, MILE and TIE.
  TIE x LEE = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LEE, RISE, SLY and TIE.
  TIE x LEE = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LEE, SLY, TIE and WISE.
  TIE x POP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, ATE, POP, RIP and TIE.
  TIE x POP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, ATE, POP, TIE and ZIP.
  TIED + IDA = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, IDA and TIED.
  TIGER + GRIP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, GRIP and TIGER.
  TILTS x A = APPLE ~~ Words Used : A, APPLE and TILTS.
  TILTS + DIES = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, DIES and TILTS.
  TILTS + LEES = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LEES and TILTS.
  TILTS + PAIL = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, PAIL and TILTS.
  TILTS + SAPS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SAPS and TILTS.
  TILTS + SIPS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SIPS and TILTS.
  TILTS + SLAP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SLAP and TILTS.
  TINA + TINA = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE and TINA.
  TINA + TIPS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, TINA and TIPS.
  TOE x LEE = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, HOSE, LEE, SLY and TOE.
  TOE x LEE = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LEE, NOSE, SLY and TOE.
  TOE x LEE = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LEE, ROSE, SLY and TOE.
  TOED + TOOL = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, TOED and TOOL.
  TOES + LET = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LET and TOES.
  TOES + TOOL = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, TOES and TOOL.
  TOES + TOPS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, TOES and TOPS.
  TOOL + LAW = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LAW and TOOL.
  TOOL + LAY = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LAY and TOOL.
  TOOL x ME = MAGGIE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, MAGGIE, ME and TOOL.
  TOOL + OIL = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, OIL and TOOL.
  TOOL + OUT = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, OUT and TOOL.
  TOOL + TOPS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, TOOL and TOPS.
  TOOTS + SETS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SETS and TOOTS.
  TOPIC + CAPS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, CAPS and TOPIC.
  TOPIC + LACK = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LACK and TOPIC.
  TOTAL + ADD = APPLE ~~ Words Used : ADD, APPLE and TOTAL.
  TOTAL + ANN = APPLE ~~ Words Used : ANN, APPLE and TOTAL.
  TOTAL + EAR = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, EAR and TOTAL.
  TOTAL + EAT = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, EAT and TOTAL.
  TOTAL + EDDY = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, EDDY and TOTAL.
  TOTAL + EGGS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, EGGS and TOTAL.
  TOTAL + EMMA = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, EMMA and TOTAL.
  TOTAL + NOEL = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, NOEL and TOTAL.
  TOTAL + OIL = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, OIL and TOTAL.
  TOTAL + PEAK = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, PEAK and TOTAL.
  TOTAL + PEAR = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, PEAR and TOTAL.
  TOTAL + PEAS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, PEAS and TOTAL.
  TOTAL + PLAN = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, PLAN and TOTAL.
  TOTAL + PLAY = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, PLAY and TOTAL.
  TOTAL + SOAP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SOAP and TOTAL.
  TOTAL + STOP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, STOP and TOTAL.
  TOTAL + TEN = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, TEN and TOTAL.
  TOTAL + TIM = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, TIM and TOTAL.
  TOTAL + TIN = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, TIN and TOTAL.
  TOTAL + TOOL = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, TOOL and TOTAL.
  TOTAL + TRY = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, TOTAL and TRY.
  TOTAL + TUB = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, TOTAL and TUB.
  TOTAL + TUG = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, TOTAL and TUG.
  TOTAL + TWO = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, TOTAL and TWO.
  TOWEL + ACT = APPLE ~~ Words Used : ACT, APPLE and TOWEL.
  TOWEL + ANT = APPLE ~~ Words Used : ANT, APPLE and TOWEL.
  TOWEL + LET = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LET and TOWEL.
  TOXIC + COOL = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, COOL and TOXIC.
  TOXIC + PECK = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, PECK and TOXIC.
  TRAIL + BET = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, BET and TRAIL.
  TRAIL + GET = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, GET and TRAIL.
  TRAIL + JET = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, JET and TRAIL.
  TRAIL + LEAP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LEAP and TRAIL.
  TRAIL + NET = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, NET and TRAIL.
  TRAIL + REAL = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, REAL and TRAIL.
  TRAIL + SET = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SET and TRAIL.
  TRAIL + TAPS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, TAPS and TRAIL.
  TRAIN + TAIL = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, TAIL and TRAIN.
  TRAP + TRAP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE and TRAP.
  TRAPS + REAL = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, REAL and TRAPS.
  TRAPS + SETS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SETS and TRAPS.
  TRAPS + SPIN = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SPIN and TRAPS.
  TRAPS + SPUN = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SPUN and TRAPS.
  TRAPS + TEST = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, TEST and TRAPS.
  TREAT + AIR = APPLE ~~ Words Used : AIR, APPLE and TREAT.
  TREAT + ARCH = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, ARCH and TREAT.
  TREAT + ARCS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, ARCS and TREAT.
  TREAT + AREA = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, AREA and TREAT.
  TREAT + ARMS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, ARMS and TREAT.
  TREAT + ARMY = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, ARMY and TREAT.
  TREAT + BAR = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, BAR and TREAT.
  TREAT + CAR = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, CAR and TREAT.
  TREAT + EDIT = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, EDIT and TREAT.
  TREAT + EMMA = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, EMMA and TREAT.
  TREAT + END = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, END and TREAT.
  TREAT + EVEN = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, EVEN and TREAT.
  TREAT + EVES = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, EVES and TREAT.
  TREAT + EXIT = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, EXIT and TREAT.
  TREAT + EYES = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, EYES and TREAT.
  TREAT + FAR = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, FAR and TREAT.
  TREAT + JAR = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, JAR and TREAT.
  TREAT + LEAD = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LEAD and TREAT.
  TREAT + LEAF = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LEAF and TREAT.
  TREAT + LEAK = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LEAK and TREAT.
  TREAT + LEAN = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LEAN and TREAT.
  TREAT + LEES = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LEES and TREAT.
  TREAT + LEFT = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LEFT and TREAT.
  TREAT + LENT = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LENT and TREAT.
  TREAT + OAR = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, OAR and TREAT.
  TREAT + ORAL = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, ORAL and TREAT.
  TREAT + PLOT = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, PLOT and TREAT.
  TREAT + READ = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, READ and TREAT.
  TREAT + REAM = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, REAM and TREAT.
  TREAT + RED = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, RED and TREAT.
  TREAT + TAR = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, TAR and TREAT.
  TREAT + TEN = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, TEN and TREAT.
  TREAT + WAR = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, TREAT and WAR.
  TREES + LEES = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LEES and TREES.
  TREES + SEAS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SEAS and TREES.
  TREES + SETS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SETS and TREES.
  TRIAL + LET = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LET and TRIAL.
  TRIED + IDA = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, IDA and TRIED.
  TRIES + LIT = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LIT and TRIES.
  TRIPS + SEA = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SEA and TRIPS.
  TROOP + AREA = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, AREA and TROOP.
  TROOP + REEL = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, REEL and TROOP.
  TROOP + TOOL = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, TOOL and TROOP.
  TRUER + LET = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LET and TRUER.
  TRUER + RAT = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, RAT and TRUER.
  TRUER + REEL = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, REEL and TRUER.
  TUBED + BIT = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, BIT and TUBED.
  TUBES + BIT = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, BIT and TUBES.
  TUNES + ANT = APPLE ~~ Words Used : ANT, APPLE and TUNES.
  TWIG + WEEP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, TWIG and WEEP.
  TWIN + WEEP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, TWIN and WEEP.
  TYPE + TYPE = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE and TYPE.
  TYPES + LAST = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LAST and TYPES.
  UNCAP + NULL = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, NULL and UNCAP.
  UNDER + END = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, END and UNDER.
  USED + USES = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, USED and USES.
  USER + USES = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, USER and USES.
  USERS + BAR = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, BAR and USERS.
  USERS + CAR = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, CAR and USERS.
  USERS + FAR = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, FAR and USERS.
  USERS + JAR = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, JAR and USERS.
  USERS + LEES = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LEES and USERS.
  USERS + LESS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LESS and USERS.
  USERS + OAR = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, OAR and USERS.
  USERS + PURR = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, PURR and USERS.
  USERS + SUM = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SUM and USERS.
  USERS + SUN = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SUN and USERS.
  USERS + TAR = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, TAR and USERS.
  USERS + WAR = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, USERS and WAR.
  USES + ADD = APPLE ~~ Words Used : ADD, APPLE and USES.
  USES + ANN = APPLE ~~ Words Used : ANN, APPLE and USES.
  USES + LAW = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LAW and USES.
  USES + LAY = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LAY and USES.
  USES + SET = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SET and USES.
  USES + SEW = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SEW and USES.
  USUAL + ANN = APPLE ~~ Words Used : ANN, APPLE and USUAL.
  USUAL + EAR = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, EAR and USUAL.
  USUAL + EAT = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, EAT and USUAL.
  USUAL + EDDY = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, EDDY and USUAL.
  USUAL + EMMA = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, EMMA and USUAL.
  USUAL + EVES = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, EVES and USUAL.
  USUAL + EYES = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, EYES and USUAL.
  USUAL + FEES = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, FEES and USUAL.
  USUAL + LAPS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LAPS and USUAL.
  USUAL + MESS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, MESS and USUAL.
  USUAL + PEAK = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, PEAK and USUAL.
  USUAL + PEAR = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, PEAR and USUAL.
  USUAL + PEAS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, PEAS and USUAL.
  USUAL + PLAN = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, PLAN and USUAL.
  USUAL + PLAY = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, PLAY and USUAL.
  USUAL + POOL = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, POOL and USUAL.
  USUAL + SAIL = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SAIL and USUAL.
  USUAL + SASH = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SASH and USUAL.
  USUAL + SEES = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SEES and USUAL.
  USUAL + SLAP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SLAP and USUAL.
  VALID + IDA = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, IDA and VALID.
  VALID + LEAD = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LEAD and VALID.
  VALID + LID = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LID and VALID.
  VALUE + LIVE = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LIVE and VALUE.
  VALUE + LOVE = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LOVE and VALUE.
  VALVE + CAVE = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, CAVE and VALVE.
  VALVE + EVEN = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, EVEN and VALVE.
  VALVE + EVES = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, EVES and VALVE.
  VALVE + GAVE = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, GAVE and VALVE.
  VALVE + HAVE = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, HAVE and VALVE.
  VALVE + LEAD = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LEAD and VALVE.
  VALVE + LEAF = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LEAF and VALVE.
  VALVE + LEAK = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LEAK and VALVE.
  VALVE + LEAN = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LEAN and VALVE.
  VALVE + LEFT = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LEFT and VALVE.
  VALVE + LEGS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LEGS and VALVE.
  VALVE + LEND = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LEND and VALVE.
  VALVE + LENS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LENS and VALVE.
  VALVE + LENT = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LENT and VALVE.
  VALVE + LIED = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LIED and VALVE.
  VALVE + LIES = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LIES and VALVE.
  VALVE + LIFE = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LIFE and VALVE.
  VALVE + LIKE = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LIKE and VALVE.
  VALVE + LIME = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LIME and VALVE.
  VALVE + LINE = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LINE and VALVE.
  VALVE + LIVE = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LIVE and VALVE.
  VALVE + LONE = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LONE and VALVE.
  VALVE + LOSE = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LOSE and VALVE.
  VALVE + LOVE = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LOVE and VALVE.
  VALVE + SAVE = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SAVE and VALVE.
  VALVE + WAVE = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, VALVE and WAVE.
  VAPOR + REAR = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, REAR and VAPOR.
  VENT + ANT = APPLE ~~ Words Used : ANT, APPLE and VENT.
  VERB + EAR = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, EAR and VERB.
  VICES + COIL = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, COIL and VICES.
  VIDEO + POOL = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, POOL and VIDEO.
  VITAL + EAR = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, EAR and VITAL.
  VITAL + IDA = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, IDA and VITAL.
  VOLTS + TALL = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, TALL and VOLTS.
  WAFER + EAR = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, EAR and WAFER.
  WAFER + EARN = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, EARN and WAFER.
  WAFER + FEAR = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, FEAR and WAFER.
  WAFER + REAP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, REAP and WAFER.
  WAGE + WAGE = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE and WAGE.
  WAGED + LEAD = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LEAD and WAGED.
  WAGS + WEEP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, WAGS and WEEP.
  WAIL + OIL = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, OIL and WAIL.
  WAIL + WALL = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, WAIL and WALL.
  WAIL + WOOL = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, WAIL and WOOL.
  WAKE + WAKE = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE and WAKE.
  WAKED + LEAD = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LEAD and WAKED.
  WALK + WALK = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE and WALK.
  WALKS + LEAK = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LEAK and WALKS.
  WALKS + LESS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LESS and WALKS.
  WALKS + PEAK = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, PEAK and WALKS.
  WALLS + CLAP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, CLAP and WALLS.
  WALLS + DEAL = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, DEAL and WALLS.
  WALLS + FLAP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, FLAP and WALLS.
  WALLS + MEAL = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, MEAL and WALLS.
  WALLS + PEAS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, PEAS and WALLS.
  WALLS + REAL = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, REAL and WALLS.
  WALLS + SAPS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SAPS and WALLS.
  WALLS + SLAP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SLAP and WALLS.
  WARM + WEEP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, WARM and WEEP.
  WARS + WEEP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, WARS and WEEP.
  WATCH + LET = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LET and WATCH.
  WATER + EAR = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, EAR and WATER.
  WATER + EARN = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, EARN and WATER.
  WATER + REAP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, REAP and WATER.
  WAVE + WAVE = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE and WAVE.
  WAVED + LEAD = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LEAD and WAVED.
  WAVES + ASK = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, ASK and WAVES.
  WAVES + EARS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, EARS and WAVES.
  WAXED + LEAD = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LEAD and WAXED.
  WAXES + ASK = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, ASK and WAXES.
  WAXES + EARS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, EARS and WAXES.
  WAYS + WEEP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, WAYS and WEEP.
  WEAK + EGG = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, EGG and WEAK.
  WEAK + LAW = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LAW and WEAK.
  WEAK + WOOL = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, WEAK and WOOL.
  WEAR + EGG = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, EGG and WEAR.
  WEAR + LAW = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LAW and WEAR.
  WEAR + WEEP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, WEAR and WEEP.
  WEAR + WOOL = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, WEAR and WOOL.
  WEAR + WRAP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, WEAR and WRAP.
  WEARS + AGES = APPLE ~~ Words Used : AGES, APPLE and WEARS.
  WEARS + AXES = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, AXES and WEARS.
  WEARS + SLAP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SLAP and WEARS.
  WEARS + SNAP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SNAP and WEARS.
  WEARS + SOAP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SOAP and WEARS.
  WEEDS + ADDS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : ADDS, APPLE and WEEDS.
  WEEDS + BEAD = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, BEAD and WEEDS.
  WEEDS + CHAP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, CHAP and WEEDS.
  WEEDS + DRIP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, DRIP and WEEDS.
  WEEDS + DROP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, DROP and WEEDS.
  WEEDS + DUMP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, DUMP and WEEDS.
  WEEDS + EGGS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, EGGS and WEEDS.
  WEEDS + EVES = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, EVES and WEEDS.
  WEEDS + EYES = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, EYES and WEEDS.
  WEEDS + HEAD = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, HEAD and WEEDS.
  WEEDS + HOOP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, HOOP and WEEDS.
  WEEDS + LEAD = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LEAD and WEEDS.
  WEEDS + LESS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LESS and WEEDS.
  WEEDS + READ = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, READ and WEEDS.
  WEEDS + TRAP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, TRAP and WEEDS.
  WEEKS + CHAP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, CHAP and WEEKS.
  WEEKS + EGGS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, EGGS and WEEKS.
  WEEKS + EVES = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, EVES and WEEKS.
  WEEKS + EYES = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, EYES and WEEKS.
  WEEKS + HOOP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, HOOP and WEEKS.
  WEEKS + LEAK = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LEAK and WEEKS.
  WEEKS + LESS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LESS and WEEKS.
  WEEKS + TRAP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, TRAP and WEEKS.
  WEEP + WOOL = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, WEEP and WOOL.
  WELD + WELD = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE and WELD.
  WELDS + ADDS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : ADDS, APPLE and WELDS.
  WELDS + DAMP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, DAMP and WELDS.
  WELDS + DIED = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, DIED and WELDS.
  WELDS + DYED = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, DYED and WELDS.
  WELDS + LOAD = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LOAD and WELDS.
  WELDS + LOOP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LOOP and WELDS.
  WELDS + SEAS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SEAS and WELDS.
  WELDS + SEWS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SEWS and WELDS.
  WELDS + SWAP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SWAP and WELDS.
  WELLS + EARS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, EARS and WELLS.
  WELLS + EATS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, EATS and WELLS.
  WELLS + SLAM = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SLAM and WELLS.
  WENT + ANT = APPLE ~~ Words Used : ANT, APPLE and WENT.
  WHAT x AM = APPLE ~~ Words Used : AM, APPLE, AXLE, MERE and WHAT.
  WHEEL + EAR = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, EAR and WHEEL.
  WHEEL + EAT = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, EAT and WHEEL.
  WHEEL + HEAD = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, HEAD and WHEEL.
  WHEEL + HEAR = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, HEAR and WHEEL.
  WHEEL + HEAT = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, HEAT and WHEEL.
  WHEEL + HOOP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, HOOP and WHEEL.
  WHEEL + LAW = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LAW and WHEEL.
  WHEEL + SEA = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SEA and WHEEL.
  WHEEL + WAIL = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, WAIL and WHEEL.
  WHEN x WE = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LACE, WE and WHEN.
  WHEN x WE = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LAKE, WE and WHEN.
  WHEN x WE = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LATE, WE and WHEN.
  WHERE + LEAP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LEAP and WHERE.
  WHIP x WE = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, BAKE, WE and WHIP.
  WHIP x WE = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, BARE, WE and WHIP.
  WHIP x WE = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, BASE, WE and WHIP.
  WHIP x WE = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, CAGE, WE and WHIP.
  WHIP x WE = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, CAKE, WE and WHIP.
  WHIP x WE = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, CAME, WE and WHIP.
  WHIP x WE = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, CANE, WE and WHIP.
  WHIP x WE = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, CARE, WE and WHIP.
  WHIP x WE = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, CASE, WE and WHIP.
  WHIP x WE = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, CAVE, WE and WHIP.
  WHIP x WE = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, DARE, WE and WHIP.
  WHIP x WE = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, DATE, WE and WHIP.
  WHIP x WE = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, FAKE, WE and WHIP.
  WHIP x WE = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, FARE, WE and WHIP.
  WHIP x WE = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, JANE, WE and WHIP.
  WHIPS + LAW = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LAW and WHIPS.
  WHIPS + SEA = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SEA and WHIPS.
  WHO x TWO = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, ATE, TWO, WERE and WHO.
  WIDE + WIPE = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, WIDE and WIPE.
  WIDER + DRIP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, DRIP and WIDER.
  WINE + WIPE = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, WINE and WIPE.
  WINES + WAIL = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, WAIL and WINES.
  WIPE + WIPE = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE and WIPE.
  WIPE + WIRE = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, WIPE and WIRE.
  WIPE + WISE = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, WIPE and WISE.
  WISH x NO = SENSE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, NO, SENSE and WISH.
  WOOL + EAR = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, EAR and WOOL.
  WOOL + EAT = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, EAT and WOOL.
  WOOL + LAW = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LAW and WOOL.
  WOOL x ME = MAGGIE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, MAGGIE, ME and WOOL.
  WOOL + OIL = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, OIL and WOOL.
  WORD x WE = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, DARE, WE and WORD.
  WORDS + PROP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, PROP and WORDS.
  WORKS + PECK = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, PECK and WORKS.
  WORKS + PROP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, PROP and WORKS.
  WORMS + PROP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, PROP and WORMS.
  WRAPS + REAL = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, REAL and WRAPS.
  WRAPS + SEWS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, SEWS and WRAPS.