Puzzles Containing STRAW

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  ABET + BATS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ABET, BATS and STRAW.
  ABET + EARS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ABET, EARS and STRAW.
  ABET + JAWS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ABET, JAWS and STRAW.
  ABET + LAWS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ABET, LAWS and STRAW.
  ABET + NEWS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ABET, NEWS and STRAW.
  ABET + PAWS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ABET, PAWS and STRAW.
  ABET + YAWS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ABET, STRAW and YAWS.
  ABETS x A = STRAW ~~ Words Used : A, ABETS and STRAW.
  ABETS + ABET = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ABET, ABETS and STRAW.
  ABETS + AIR = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ABETS, AIR and STRAW.
  ABETS + BARE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ABETS, BARE and STRAW.
  ABETS + EATS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ABETS, EATS and STRAW.
  ABETS + EVE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ABETS, EVE and STRAW.
  ABETS + EYE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ABETS, EYE and STRAW.
  ABETS + PEA = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ABETS, PEA and STRAW.
  ABETS + SEES = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ABETS, SEES and STRAW.
  ABETS + SIR = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ABETS, SIR and STRAW.
  ABETS + WHO = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ABETS, STRAW and WHO.
  ABETS + WHY = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ABETS, STRAW and WHY.
  ABETS + WIN = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ABETS, STRAW and WIN.
  ABETS + WON = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ABETS, STRAW and WON.
  ABLE + WEB = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ABLE, STRAW and WEB.
  ABLER + LESS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ABLER, LESS and STRAW.
  ABLER + SEE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ABLER, SEE and STRAW.
  ACID + SIRS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ACID, SIRS and STRAW.
  ACRE + EATS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ACRE, EATS and STRAW.
  ACRE + FACT = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ACRE, FACT and STRAW.
  ACRE + WETS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ACRE, STRAW and WETS.
  ACTS + BARS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ACTS, BARS and STRAW.
  ACTS + BATS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ACTS, BATS and STRAW.
  ACTS + CABS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ACTS, CABS and STRAW.
  ACTS + CAMS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ACTS, CAMS and STRAW.
  ACTS + CANS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ACTS, CANS and STRAW.
  ACTS + CAPS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ACTS, CAPS and STRAW.
  ACTS + CARS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ACTS, CARS and STRAW.
  ACTS + COTS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ACTS, COTS and STRAW.
  ACTS + CUTS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ACTS, CUTS and STRAW.
  ACTS + EARS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ACTS, EARS and STRAW.
  ACTS + EATS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ACTS, EATS and STRAW.
  ACTS + FATS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ACTS, FATS and STRAW.
  ACTS + HATS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ACTS, HATS and STRAW.
  ACTS + JARS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ACTS, JARS and STRAW.
  ACTS + MATS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ACTS, MATS and STRAW.
  ACTS + OARS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ACTS, OARS and STRAW.
  ACTS + PATS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ACTS, PATS and STRAW.
  ACTS + RACE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ACTS, RACE and STRAW.
  ACTS + RACK = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ACTS, RACK and STRAW.
  ACTS + WARM = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ACTS, STRAW and WARM.
  ACTS + WERE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ACTS, STRAW and WERE.
  ADAM + ODOR = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ADAM, ODOR and STRAW.
  ADAPT x I = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ADAPT, I and STRAW.
  ADDED + HUSH = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ADDED, HUSH and STRAW.
  ADDS + ADDS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ADDS and STRAW.
  ADDS + BOB = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ADDS, BOB and STRAW.
  ADDS + CAST = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ADDS, CAST and STRAW.
  ADDS + DART = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ADDS, DART and STRAW.
  ADDS + EVE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ADDS, EVE and STRAW.
  ADDS + EYE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ADDS, EYE and STRAW.
  ADDS + FAST = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ADDS, FAST and STRAW.
  ADDS + LAST = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ADDS, LAST and STRAW.
  ADDS + MAST = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ADDS, MAST and STRAW.
  ADDS x OF = STOOLS ~~ Words Used : ADDS, OF, STOOLS and STRAW.
  ADDS x OF = STOOPS ~~ Words Used : ADDS, OF, STOOPS and STRAW.
  ADDS x ON = STOOLS ~~ Words Used : ADDS, ON, STOOLS and STRAW.
  ADDS x ON = STOOPS ~~ Words Used : ADDS, ON, STOOPS and STRAW.
  ADDS x OX = STOOLS ~~ Words Used : ADDS, OX, STOOLS and STRAW.
  ADDS x OX = STOOPS ~~ Words Used : ADDS, OX, STOOPS and STRAW.
  ADDS + SAID = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ADDS, SAID and STRAW.
  ADDS + SAND = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ADDS, SAND and STRAW.
  ADDS + WERE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ADDS, STRAW and WERE.
  AFTER + EARS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AFTER, EARS and STRAW.
  AFTER + EASE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AFTER, EASE and STRAW.
  AFTER + SURE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AFTER, STRAW and SURE.
  AFTER + SWAT = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AFTER, STRAW and SWAT.
  AFTER + WETS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AFTER, STRAW and WETS.
  AGED + GATE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AGED, GATE and STRAW.
  AGED + WED = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AGED, STRAW and WED.
  AGES + GAGE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AGES, GAGE and STRAW.
  AGES + GAME = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AGES, GAME and STRAW.
  AGES + GAVE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AGES, GAVE and STRAW.
  AGES + SEES = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AGES, SEES and STRAW.
  AGES + WAGS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AGES, STRAW and WAGS.
  AGNES + ANN = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AGNES, ANN and STRAW.
  AGREE x I = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AGREE, I and STRAW.
  AIDS + DART = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AIDS, DART and STRAW.
  AIDS + ILL = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AIDS, ILL and STRAW.
  AIDS + SAID = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AIDS, SAID and STRAW.
  AIMS + DID = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AIMS, DID and STRAW.
  AIMS + MITT = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AIMS, MITT and STRAW.
  AIRS + AIRS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AIRS and STRAW.
  AIRS + AIRY = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AIRS, AIRY and STRAW.
  AIRS + ARTS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AIRS, ARTS and STRAW.
  AIRS + BATS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AIRS, BATS and STRAW.
  AIRS + EATS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AIRS, EATS and STRAW.
  AIRS + FATS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AIRS, FATS and STRAW.
  AIRS + HATS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AIRS, HATS and STRAW.
  AIRS + HIS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AIRS, HIS and STRAW.
  AIRS x I = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AIRS, I and STRAW.
  AIRS + MATS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AIRS, MATS and STRAW.
  AIRS + PATS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AIRS, PATS and STRAW.
  AIRS + RATE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AIRS, RATE and STRAW.
  AIRS + ROOT = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AIRS, ROOT and STRAW.
  AIRS + SAID = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AIRS, SAID and STRAW.
  AIRS + SAIL = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AIRS, SAIL and STRAW.
  AIRS + SHIP = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AIRS, SHIP and STRAW.
  AIRS + SILL = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AIRS, SILL and STRAW.
  AIRS + SIRS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AIRS, SIRS and STRAW.
  AIRS + SKIM = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AIRS, SKIM and STRAW.
  AIRS + SKIN = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AIRS, SKIN and STRAW.
  AIRS + SKIP = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AIRS, SKIP and STRAW.
  AIRS + SLID = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AIRS, SLID and STRAW.
  AIRS + SLIM = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AIRS, SLIM and STRAW.
  AIRS + SLIP = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AIRS, SLIP and STRAW.
  AIRS + SOIL = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AIRS, SOIL and STRAW.
  AIRS + SPIN = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AIRS, SPIN and STRAW.
  AIRS + SWIM = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AIRS, STRAW and SWIM.
  AIRS + WAIT = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AIRS, STRAW and WAIT.
  AIRS + WIN = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AIRS, STRAW and WIN.
  ALAIN + ITS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ALAIN, ITS and STRAW.
  ALAIN + LISA = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ALAIN, LISA and STRAW.
  ALARM + AIM = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AIM, ALARM and STRAW.
  ALARM + ROLL = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ALARM, ROLL and STRAW.
  ALARM + STEM = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ALARM, STEM and STRAW.
  ALEC + LATE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ALEC, LATE and STRAW.
  ALERT + SALE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ALERT, SALE and STRAW.
  ALERT + SALT = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ALERT, SALT and STRAW.
  ALERT + SEES = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ALERT, SEES and STRAW.
  ALERT + SELL = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ALERT, SELL and STRAW.
  ALERT + SLIT = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ALERT, SLIT and STRAW.
  ALERT + SLOT = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ALERT, SLOT and STRAW.
  ALERT + WAIL = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ALERT, STRAW and WAIL.
  ALERT + WAIT = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ALERT, STRAW and WAIT.
  ALERT + WANT = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ALERT, STRAW and WANT.
  ALERT + WELD = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ALERT, STRAW and WELD.
  ALERT + WENT = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ALERT, STRAW and WENT.
  ALERT + WEST = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ALERT, STRAW and WEST.
  ALIAS x I = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ALIAS, I and STRAW.
  ALIBI + BIAS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ALIBI, BIAS and STRAW.
  ALIBI + ITS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ALIBI, ITS and STRAW.
  ALLOY + OILS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ALLOY, OILS and STRAW.
  ALLY + LAYS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ALLY, LAYS and STRAW.
  ALLY + SAYS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ALLY, SAYS and STRAW.
  ALLY + SIRS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ALLY, SIRS and STRAW.
  ALLY + YES = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ALLY, STRAW and YES.
  ALONE + SEEN = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ALONE, SEEN and STRAW.
  ALTER + SWAT = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ALTER, STRAW and SWAT.
  ALTER + WETS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ALTER, STRAW and WETS.
  ANGRY + RING = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ANGRY, RING and STRAW.
  ANGRY + RUNG = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ANGRY, RUNG and STRAW.
  ANGRY + SON = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ANGRY, SON and STRAW.
  ANGRY + WAGS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ANGRY, STRAW and WAGS.
  ANITA + BIG = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ANITA, BIG and STRAW.
  ANITA + DIG = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ANITA, DIG and STRAW.
  ANITA + FIX = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ANITA, FIX and STRAW.
  ANITA + HIS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ANITA, HIS and STRAW.
  ANITA + JIG = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ANITA, JIG and STRAW.
  ANITA + OIL = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ANITA, OIL and STRAW.
  ANITA + SEE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ANITA, SEE and STRAW.
  ANITA + STIR = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ANITA, STIR and STRAW.
  ANITA + WATT = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ANITA, STRAW and WATT.
  ANNE + ATE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ANNE, ATE and STRAW.
  ANNE + OWN = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ANNE, OWN and STRAW.
  ANNE + SIRS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ANNE, SIRS and STRAW.
  ARCS + ARTS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ARCS, ARTS and STRAW.
  AREA + AREA = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AREA and STRAW.
  AREAS + REST = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AREAS, REST and STRAW.
  ARISE + READ = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ARISE, READ and STRAW.
  ARISE + REAL = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ARISE, REAL and STRAW.
  ARISE + REAM = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ARISE, REAM and STRAW.
  ARISE + REAP = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ARISE, REAP and STRAW.
  ARISE + SEAT = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ARISE, SEAT and STRAW.
  ARISE + SILL = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ARISE, SILL and STRAW.
  ARISE + WEST = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ARISE, STRAW and WEST.
  ARMED + EARS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ARMED, EARS and STRAW.
  ARMED + MESS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ARMED, MESS and STRAW.
  ARMOR x I = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ARMOR, I and STRAW.
  ARMOR + MOSS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ARMOR, MOSS and STRAW.
  ARMOR + ROSA = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ARMOR, ROSA and STRAW.
  ARMS + ARTS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ARMS, ARTS and STRAW.
  AROSE + ODDS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AROSE, ODDS and STRAW.
  AROSE + READ = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AROSE, READ and STRAW.
  AROSE + REAL = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AROSE, REAL and STRAW.
  AROSE + REAM = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AROSE, REAM and STRAW.
  AROSE + REAP = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AROSE, REAP and STRAW.
  AROSE + SEAT = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AROSE, SEAT and STRAW.
  AROSE + WEST = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AROSE, STRAW and WEST.
  ASKS + ASKS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ASKS and STRAW.
  ATOM + ROTS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ATOM, ROTS and STRAW.
  AUDIT + DART = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AUDIT, DART and STRAW.
  AUTO x IT = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ARROW, AUTO, IT and STRAW.
  AUTO + OAR = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AUTO, OAR and STRAW.
  AUTO + OARS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AUTO, OARS and STRAW.
  AUTO + OUR = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AUTO, OUR and STRAW.
  AUTO + ROWS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AUTO, ROWS and STRAW.
  AUTO + SOUR = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AUTO, SOUR and STRAW.
  AUTO + TOUR = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AUTO, STRAW and TOUR.
  AUTOS + ROSA = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AUTOS, ROSA and STRAW.
  AVAIL + ITS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AVAIL, ITS and STRAW.
  AVAIL + SALT = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AVAIL, SALT and STRAW.
  AWARD + AIR = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AIR, AWARD and STRAW.
  AWARD + DATA = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AWARD, DATA and STRAW.
  AWARD + DEAR = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AWARD, DEAR and STRAW.
  AWARD + DEBT = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AWARD, DEBT and STRAW.
  AWARD + DENT = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AWARD, DENT and STRAW.
  AWARD + DIRT = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AWARD, DIRT and STRAW.
  AWARD + DRY = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AWARD, DRY and STRAW.
  AWARD + EMMA = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AWARD, EMMA and STRAW.
  AWARD + IDEA = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AWARD, IDEA and STRAW.
  AWARD + ROOT = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AWARD, ROOT and STRAW.
  AWARD + WATT = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AWARD, STRAW and WATT.
  AWARD + WEED = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AWARD, STRAW and WEED.
  AWARD + WOOD = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AWARD, STRAW and WOOD.
  AWAY + AWAY = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AWAY and STRAW.
  AWAY + WAY = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AWAY, STRAW and WAY.
  AWFUL + WALL = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AWFUL, STRAW and WALL.
  AXED + WED = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AXED, STRAW and WED.
  AXES + SEES = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AXES, SEES and STRAW.
  BADGE + DABS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BADGE, DABS and STRAW.
  BAKE + ATE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ATE, BAKE and STRAW.
  BAKE + SEEK = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BAKE, SEEK and STRAW.
  BAKE + WEEK = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BAKE, STRAW and WEEK.
  BAKES + BED = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BAKES, BED and STRAW.
  BAKES + EATS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BAKES, EATS and STRAW.
  BALLS + BOB = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BALLS, BOB and STRAW.
  BALLS + FLY = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BALLS, FLY and STRAW.
  BALLS + HUB = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BALLS, HUB and STRAW.
  BALLS + ILL = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BALLS, ILL and STRAW.
  BALLS + JOB = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BALLS, JOB and STRAW.
  BALLS + LAWS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BALLS, LAWS and STRAW.
  BALLS + OLD = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BALLS, OLD and STRAW.
  BALLS + SALT = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BALLS, SALT and STRAW.
  BARE + WEB = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BARE, STRAW and WEB.
  BARER x I = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BARER, I and STRAW.
  BARER + REST = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BARER, REST and STRAW.
  BARGE + USER = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BARGE, STRAW and USER.
  BARS + BOOT = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BARS, BOOT and STRAW.
  BARS + SIRS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BARS, SIRS and STRAW.
  BARS + SOUR = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BARS, SOUR and STRAW.
  BASE + ARE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ARE, BASE and STRAW.
  BASE + RATE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BASE, RATE and STRAW.
  BASED + BED = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BASED, BED and STRAW.
  BASED + SEE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BASED, SEE and STRAW.
  BASED + WEBS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BASED, STRAW and WEBS.
  BASES + DEBT = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BASES, DEBT and STRAW.
  BASES + SEE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BASES, SEE and STRAW.
  BASES + WEB = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BASES, STRAW and WEB.
  BASIC + SIR = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BASIC, SIR and STRAW.
  BASIN + BIN = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BASIN, BIN and STRAW.
  BASIN + SIR = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BASIN, SIR and STRAW.
  BASIS x I = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BASIS, I and STRAW.
  BATH x A = STRAW ~~ Words Used : A, BATH and STRAW.
  BATH + AIR = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AIR, BATH and STRAW.
  BATH + SASH = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BATH, SASH and STRAW.
  BATHE + HATS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BATHE, HATS and STRAW.
  BATHE + REST = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BATHE, REST and STRAW.
  BATHS x A = STRAW ~~ Words Used : A, BATHS and STRAW.
  BATHS + BARS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BARS, BATHS and STRAW.
  BATHS + HATE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BATHS, HATE and STRAW.
  BATS + ROSA = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BATS, ROSA and STRAW.
  BATS + TARS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BATS, STRAW and TARS.
  BAUD + FUR = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BAUD, FUR and STRAW.
  BAUD + OUR = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BAUD, OUR and STRAW.
  BAUDS + HUB = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BAUDS, HUB and STRAW.
  BAYS + EYE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BAYS, EYE and STRAW.
  BEADS + ADA = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ADA, BEADS and STRAW.
  BEAR + ATE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ATE, BEAR and STRAW.
  BEARS + AIR = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AIR, BEARS and STRAW.
  BEARS + BORE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BEARS, BORE and STRAW.
  BEARS + RUST = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BEARS, RUST and STRAW.
  BEARS + SEAT = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BEARS, SEAT and STRAW.
  BEARS + SETS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BEARS, SETS and STRAW.
  BEARS + WENT = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BEARS, STRAW and WENT.
  BEARS + WETS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BEARS, STRAW and WETS.
  BEATS + AIR = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AIR, BEATS and STRAW.
  BEATS + DEBT = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BEATS, DEBT and STRAW.
  BEING + AIR = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AIR, BEING and STRAW.
  BELLS + EARS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BELLS, EARS and STRAW.
  BELLS + WEB = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BELLS, STRAW and WEB.
  BELTS x A = STRAW ~~ Words Used : A, BELTS and STRAW.
  BEST + WEST = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BEST, STRAW and WEST.
  BILLS + LISA = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BILLS, LISA and STRAW.
  BLAST + ALBA = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ALBA, BLAST and STRAW.
  BLAST + BELT = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BELT, BLAST and STRAW.
  BLAST + BOLT = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BLAST, BOLT and STRAW.
  BLEND + ATE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ATE, BLEND and STRAW.
  BLEW x IT = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BLEW, DATA, IT and STRAW.
  BLOW x IT = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BLOW, DATA, IT and STRAW.
  BLOWN + NOD = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BLOWN, NOD and STRAW.
  BOARD + ADD = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ADD, BOARD and STRAW.
  BOARD + DOTS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BOARD, DOTS and STRAW.
  BOAST + BLOT = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BLOT, BOAST and STRAW.
  BOAST + BOOT = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BOAST, BOOT and STRAW.
  BOAST + ROOT = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BOAST, ROOT and STRAW.
  BOAST + SHOT = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BOAST, SHOT and STRAW.
  BOAST + SLOT = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BOAST, SLOT and STRAW.
  BOAST + SPOT = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BOAST, SPOT and STRAW.
  BOATS + AIR = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AIR, BOATS and STRAW.
  BOATS + ATOM = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ATOM, BOATS and STRAW.
  BOATS + AUTO = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AUTO, BOATS and STRAW.
  BOIL + AIR = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AIR, BOIL and STRAW.
  BOLTS x A = STRAW ~~ Words Used : A, BOLTS and STRAW.
  BONES + ORE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BONES, ORE and STRAW.
  BOOST + ROOT = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BOOST, ROOT and STRAW.
  BOOST + ROSA = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BOOST, ROSA and STRAW.
  BOOT + OARS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BOOT, OARS and STRAW.
  BOOT + WATT = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BOOT, STRAW and WATT.
  BOOT + WOOD = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BOOT, STRAW and WOOD.
  BOOT + WOOL = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BOOT, STRAW and WOOL.
  BOOTS + BOWS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BOOTS, BOWS and STRAW.
  BOOTS + OARS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BOOTS, OARS and STRAW.
  BOOTS + ROTS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BOOTS, ROTS and STRAW.
  BOTH + WHO = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BOTH, STRAW and WHO.
  BOW x POP = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BACK, BOW, POP and STRAW.
  BOW x POP = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BAIL, BOW, POP and STRAW.
  BOW x POP = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BAND, BOW, POP and STRAW.
  BOW x POP = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BANG, BOW, POP and STRAW.
  BOW x POP = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BANK, BOW, POP and STRAW.
  BOW x POP = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BAUD, BOW, POP and STRAW.
  BOWLS + LOTS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BOWLS, LOTS and STRAW.
  BOWLS + WOOL = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BOWLS, STRAW and WOOL.
  BOXES + ORE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BOXES, ORE and STRAW.
  BRACE + CORA = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BRACE, CORA and STRAW.
  BRADY + DORA = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BRADY, DORA and STRAW.
  BRAID + AIRS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AIRS, BRAID and STRAW.
  BRAIN + AIRS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AIRS, BRAIN and STRAW.
  BRASS + BALL = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BALL, BRASS and STRAW.
  BRASS + BARS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BARS, BRASS and STRAW.
  BRASS + BURT = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BRASS, BURT and STRAW.
  BRASS + CABS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BRASS, CABS and STRAW.
  BRASS + DABS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BRASS, DABS and STRAW.
  BRASS + FORT = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BRASS, FORT and STRAW.
  BRASS + HURT = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BRASS, HURT and STRAW.
  BRASS + SAPS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BRASS, SAPS and STRAW.
  BRASS + SAYS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BRASS, SAYS and STRAW.
  BULBS + ALL = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ALL, BULBS and STRAW.
  BUNKS + ASK = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ASK, BUNKS and STRAW.
  BUSES x A = STRAW ~~ Words Used : A, BUSES and STRAW.
  BUTTS + BARS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BARS, BUTTS and STRAW.
  BUTTS + BATS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BATS, BUTTS and STRAW.
  BYTE + WHY = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BYTE, STRAW and WHY.
  CABS + CAST = STRAW ~~ Words Used : CABS, CAST and STRAW.
  CAGE + ATE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ATE, CAGE and STRAW.
  CAGES + EATS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : CAGES, EATS and STRAW.
  CAKE + ATE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ATE, CAKE and STRAW.
  CAKE + WEEK = STRAW ~~ Words Used : CAKE, STRAW and WEEK.
  CAKES + EATS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : CAKES, EATS and STRAW.
  CALLS + ARC = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ARC, CALLS and STRAW.
  CALLS + LAWS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : CALLS, LAWS and STRAW.
  CALLS + SALT = STRAW ~~ Words Used : CALLS, SALT and STRAW.
  CAME + ATE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ATE, CAME and STRAW.
  CAMPS + PATS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : CAMPS, PATS and STRAW.
  CAMS + CAST = STRAW ~~ Words Used : CAMS, CAST and STRAW.
  CANE + ATE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ATE, CANE and STRAW.
  CANE + SEEN = STRAW ~~ Words Used : CANE, SEEN and STRAW.
  CANS + CAST = STRAW ~~ Words Used : CANS, CAST and STRAW.
  CAPE + WEEP = STRAW ~~ Words Used : CAPE, STRAW and WEEP.
  CAPS + CAST = STRAW ~~ Words Used : CAPS, CAST and STRAW.
  CAPS + POP = STRAW ~~ Words Used : CAPS, POP and STRAW.
  CARDS + ARTS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ARTS, CARDS and STRAW.
  CARES + ARTS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ARTS, CARES and STRAW.
  CARS + RACE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : CARS, RACE and STRAW.
  CARS + RACK = STRAW ~~ Words Used : CARS, RACK and STRAW.
  CARS + SOUR = STRAW ~~ Words Used : CARS, SOUR and STRAW.
  CART + CAST = STRAW ~~ Words Used : CART, CAST and STRAW.
  CART + FACT = STRAW ~~ Words Used : CART, FACT and STRAW.
  CART + RACE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : CART, RACE and STRAW.
  CART + RACK = STRAW ~~ Words Used : CART, RACK and STRAW.
  CARTS + AIRS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AIRS, CARTS and STRAW.
  CARTS + ARCS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ARCS, CARTS and STRAW.
  CARTS + ARMS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ARMS, CARTS and STRAW.
  CASE + RATE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : CASE, RATE and STRAW.
  CAST + FACT = STRAW ~~ Words Used : CAST, FACT and STRAW.
  CAST + RATE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : CAST, RATE and STRAW.
  CAST + ROWS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : CAST, ROWS and STRAW.
  CASTS + CAR = STRAW ~~ Words Used : CAR, CASTS and STRAW.
  CASTS + WAS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : CASTS, STRAW and WAS.
  CASTS + WEAR = STRAW ~~ Words Used : CASTS, STRAW and WEAR.
  CATCH x A = STRAW ~~ Words Used : A, CATCH and STRAW.
  CAUSE + WARS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : CAUSE, STRAW and WARS.
  CAVE + ATE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ATE, CAVE and STRAW.
  CAVES + EATS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : CAVES, EATS and STRAW.
  CELLS + ACTS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ACTS, CELLS and STRAW.
  CELLS + ARC = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ARC, CELLS and STRAW.
  CELLS + EARS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : CELLS, EARS and STRAW.
  CHAIR + AIR = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AIR, CHAIR and STRAW.
  CHAIR + ARC = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ARC, CHAIR and STRAW.
  CHAIR + TERM = STRAW ~~ Words Used : CHAIR, STRAW and TERM.
  CHAIR + TORE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : CHAIR, STRAW and TORE.
  CHASE + ARE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ARE, CHASE and STRAW.
  CHEEK + ARC = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ARC, CHEEK and STRAW.
  CHEEP + ARC = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ARC, CHEEP and STRAW.
  CHEW x IT = STRAW ~~ Words Used : CHEW, DATA, IT and STRAW.
  CLASS + ACTS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ACTS, CLASS and STRAW.
  CLASS + SALT = STRAW ~~ Words Used : CLASS, SALT and STRAW.
  CLASS + WILL = STRAW ~~ Words Used : CLASS, STRAW and WILL.
  CLAWS + CARL = STRAW ~~ Words Used : CARL, CLAWS and STRAW.
  CLIP + WILL = STRAW ~~ Words Used : CLIP, STRAW and WILL.
  COAST + ROOT = STRAW ~~ Words Used : COAST, ROOT and STRAW.
  COAST + SHOT = STRAW ~~ Words Used : COAST, SHOT and STRAW.
  COAST + SLOT = STRAW ~~ Words Used : COAST, SLOT and STRAW.
  COAST + SPOT = STRAW ~~ Words Used : COAST, SPOT and STRAW.
  COATS + ATOM = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ATOM, COATS and STRAW.
  COATS + AUTO = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AUTO, COATS and STRAW.
  CODER + ARC = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ARC, CODER and STRAW.
  COLOR + ALL = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ALL, COLOR and STRAW.
  COMMA + ARC = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ARC, COMMA and STRAW.
  CORA + ARC = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ARC, CORA and STRAW.
  CORA + RACE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : CORA, RACE and STRAW.
  CORA + RACK = STRAW ~~ Words Used : CORA, RACK and STRAW.
  COST + ROWS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : COST, ROWS and STRAW.
  COSTS x A = STRAW ~~ Words Used : A, COSTS and STRAW.
  COSTS + CART = STRAW ~~ Words Used : CART, COSTS and STRAW.
  COTS + ROSA = STRAW ~~ Words Used : COTS, ROSA and STRAW.
  COVER + ARC = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ARC, COVER and STRAW.
  CRACK x A = STRAW ~~ Words Used : A, CRACK and STRAW.
  CRACK + SACK = STRAW ~~ Words Used : CRACK, SACK and STRAW.
  CRAFT + FALL = STRAW ~~ Words Used : CRAFT, FALL and STRAW.
  CRANK + NORA = STRAW ~~ Words Used : CRANK, NORA and STRAW.
  CRASH + HATS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : CRASH, HATS and STRAW.
  CREWS + ACTS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ACTS, CREWS and STRAW.
  CROSS + CART = STRAW ~~ Words Used : CART, CROSS and STRAW.
  CRUST + BARS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BARS, CRUST and STRAW.
  CRUST + CARS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : CARS, CRUST and STRAW.
  CRUST + CUTS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : CRUST, CUTS and STRAW.
  CRUST + EARS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : CRUST, EARS and STRAW.
  CRUST + JARS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : CRUST, JARS and STRAW.
  CRUST + OARS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : CRUST, OARS and STRAW.
  CUFFS + ACTS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ACTS, CUFFS and STRAW.
  CUFFS + ARC = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ARC, CUFFS and STRAW.
  CURE + USER = STRAW ~~ Words Used : CURE, STRAW and USER.
  DAISY + WARS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : DAISY, STRAW and WARS.
  DAMPS + PATS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : DAMPS, PATS and STRAW.
  DANK + SAND = STRAW ~~ Words Used : DANK, SAND and STRAW.
  DARE + DEER = STRAW ~~ Words Used : DARE, DEER and STRAW.
  DARE + SEED = STRAW ~~ Words Used : DARE, SEED and STRAW.
  DARE + WED = STRAW ~~ Words Used : DARE, STRAW and WED.
  DART + DATA = STRAW ~~ Words Used : DART, DATA and STRAW.
  DART + ODDS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : DART, ODDS and STRAW.
  DARTS + ARCS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ARCS, DARTS and STRAW.
  DATA x A = STRAW ~~ Words Used : A, DATA and STRAW.
  DATA + AIR = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AIR, DATA and STRAW.
  DATA + BAR = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BAR, DATA and STRAW.
  DATA + CAR = STRAW ~~ Words Used : CAR, DATA and STRAW.
  DATA + DATA = STRAW ~~ Words Used : DATA and STRAW.
  DATA + DEAR = STRAW ~~ Words Used : DATA, DEAR and STRAW.
  DATA + DEED = STRAW ~~ Words Used : DATA, DEED and STRAW.
  DATA + DEER = STRAW ~~ Words Used : DATA, DEER and STRAW.
  DATA + DOOR = STRAW ~~ Words Used : DATA, DOOR and STRAW.
  DATA + EAR = STRAW ~~ Words Used : DATA, EAR and STRAW.
  DATA + FAR = STRAW ~~ Words Used : DATA, FAR and STRAW.
  DATA + JAR = STRAW ~~ Words Used : DATA, JAR and STRAW.
  DATA + OAR = STRAW ~~ Words Used : DATA, OAR and STRAW.
  DATA + SEED = STRAW ~~ Words Used : DATA, SEED and STRAW.
  DATE + DEAR = STRAW ~~ Words Used : DATE, DEAR and STRAW.
  DATED + BETS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BETS, DATED and STRAW.
  DATED + GETS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : DATED, GETS and STRAW.
  DATED + JETS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : DATED, JETS and STRAW.
  DATED + LETS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : DATED, LETS and STRAW.
  DATED + NETS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : DATED, NETS and STRAW.
  DATED + RATE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : DATED, RATE and STRAW.
  DATED + WATT = STRAW ~~ Words Used : DATED, STRAW and WATT.
  DATES + RIDE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : DATES, RIDE and STRAW.
  DATES + RODE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : DATES, RODE and STRAW.
  DAWNS + AND = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AND, DAWNS and STRAW.
  DAWNS + ANN = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ANN, DAWNS and STRAW.
  DAWNS + WASH = STRAW ~~ Words Used : DAWNS, STRAW and WASH.
  DAYS + EYE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : DAYS, EYE and STRAW.
  DEARS + RUST = STRAW ~~ Words Used : DEARS, RUST and STRAW.
  DEEDS x A = STRAW ~~ Words Used : A, DEEDS and STRAW.
  DEEDS + ADA = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ADA, DEEDS and STRAW.
  DEEDS + ADD = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ADD, DEEDS and STRAW.
  DEER + ADA = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ADA, DEER and STRAW.
  DEER + ATE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ATE, DEER and STRAW.
  DEER + WERE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : DEER, STRAW and WERE.
  DEFER + ADA = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ADA, DEFER and STRAW.
  DEFER + ADD = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ADD, DEFER and STRAW.
  DEFER + RATE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : DEFER, RATE and STRAW.
  DESKS + WED = STRAW ~~ Words Used : DESKS, STRAW and WED.
  DEW x ADD = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ADD, DEW, STRAW and WHO.
  DEW x ADD = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ADD, DEW, STRAW and WHY.
  DEW x ADD = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ADD, DEW, STRAW and WIN.
  DEW x AID = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AID, DEW, NET, OWN and STRAW.
  DIANA + OWN = STRAW ~~ Words Used : DIANA, OWN and STRAW.
  DIANA + WIN = STRAW ~~ Words Used : DIANA, STRAW and WIN.
  DIARY + AIDS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AIDS, DIARY and STRAW.
  DIODE + SEE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : DIODE, SEE and STRAW.
  DIRT + RITA = STRAW ~~ Words Used : DIRT, RITA and STRAW.
  DIRT + WAIT = STRAW ~~ Words Used : DIRT, STRAW and WAIT.
  DISKS x A = STRAW ~~ Words Used : A, DISKS and STRAW.
  DISKS + AID = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AID, DISKS and STRAW.
  DITTO + ROOF = STRAW ~~ Words Used : DITTO, ROOF and STRAW.
  DITTO + ROOM = STRAW ~~ Words Used : DITTO, ROOM and STRAW.
  DIVED + ATE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ATE, DIVED and STRAW.
  DOLLY + WOOD = STRAW ~~ Words Used : DOLLY, STRAW and WOOD.
  DONOR + AND = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AND, DONOR and STRAW.
  DONOR + ANN = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ANN, DONOR and STRAW.
  DONOR + SOD = STRAW ~~ Words Used : DONOR, SOD and STRAW.
  DOOR + DOTS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : DOOR, DOTS and STRAW.
  DOORS + ARC = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ARC, DOORS and STRAW.
  DOORS + ARE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ARE, DOORS and STRAW.
  DOORS + ARM = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ARM, DOORS and STRAW.
  DOORS + ROOT = STRAW ~~ Words Used : DOORS, ROOT and STRAW.
  DOORS + ROTS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : DOORS, ROTS and STRAW.
  DOSED + ADDS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ADDS, DOSED and STRAW.
  DOSED + REST = STRAW ~~ Words Used : DOSED, REST and STRAW.
  DOSES x A = STRAW ~~ Words Used : A, DOSES and STRAW.
  DOSES + DORA = STRAW ~~ Words Used : DORA, DOSES and STRAW.
  DOTS + ROSA = STRAW ~~ Words Used : DOTS, ROSA and STRAW.
  DOWNS + NOD = STRAW ~~ Words Used : DOWNS, NOD and STRAW.
  DOWNS + SON = STRAW ~~ Words Used : DOWNS, SON and STRAW.
  DOZED + ATE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ATE, DOZED and STRAW.
  DRAFT + FALL = STRAW ~~ Words Used : DRAFT, FALL and STRAW.
  DRANK + NORA = STRAW ~~ Words Used : DRANK, NORA and STRAW.
  DRAWN + WARN = STRAW ~~ Words Used : DRAWN, STRAW and WARN.
  DRAWS + WAIT = STRAW ~~ Words Used : DRAWS, STRAW and WAIT.
  DRAWS + WANT = STRAW ~~ Words Used : DRAWS, STRAW and WANT.
  DRAWS + WARS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : DRAWS, STRAW and WARS.
  DRAWS + WATT = STRAW ~~ Words Used : DRAWS, STRAW and WATT.
  DRESS + DART = STRAW ~~ Words Used : DART, DRESS and STRAW.
  DRESS + DEER = STRAW ~~ Words Used : DEER, DRESS and STRAW.
  DRESS + REST = STRAW ~~ Words Used : DRESS, REST and STRAW.
  DRESS + WERE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : DRESS, STRAW and WERE.
  DRESS + WEST = STRAW ~~ Words Used : DRESS, STRAW and WEST.
  DRIER + DIES = STRAW ~~ Words Used : DIES, DRIER and STRAW.
  DRYER + DYES = STRAW ~~ Words Used : DRYER, DYES and STRAW.
  DUSTS + DART = STRAW ~~ Words Used : DART, DUSTS and STRAW.
  DUSTS + RUST = STRAW ~~ Words Used : DUSTS, RUST and STRAW.
  DWELL + LESS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : DWELL, LESS and STRAW.
  DYING + AIR = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AIR, DYING and STRAW.
  EACH + HER = STRAW ~~ Words Used : EACH, HER and STRAW.
  EAGER + BIG = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BIG, EAGER and STRAW.
  EAGER + DIG = STRAW ~~ Words Used : DIG, EAGER and STRAW.
  EAGER + DUG = STRAW ~~ Words Used : DUG, EAGER and STRAW.
  EAGER + EAST = STRAW ~~ Words Used : EAGER, EAST and STRAW.
  EAGER + GAME = STRAW ~~ Words Used : EAGER, GAME and STRAW.
  EAGER + GAPS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : EAGER, GAPS and STRAW.
  EAGER + GATE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : EAGER, GATE and STRAW.
  EAGER + GAVE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : EAGER, GAVE and STRAW.
  EAGER + HUG = STRAW ~~ Words Used : EAGER, HUG and STRAW.
  EAGER + JIG = STRAW ~~ Words Used : EAGER, JIG and STRAW.
  EAGER + JUG = STRAW ~~ Words Used : EAGER, JUG and STRAW.
  EAGER + MUG = STRAW ~~ Words Used : EAGER, MUG and STRAW.
  EAGER + RATE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : EAGER, RATE and STRAW.
  EAGER + WERE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : EAGER, STRAW and WERE.
  EARN + EASE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : EARN, EASE and STRAW.
  EARN + FEET = STRAW ~~ Words Used : EARN, FEET and STRAW.
  EARN + MEET = STRAW ~~ Words Used : EARN, MEET and STRAW.
  EARS + EASE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : EARS, EASE and STRAW.
  EARS + EMMA = STRAW ~~ Words Used : EARS, EMMA and STRAW.
  EARS + FEET = STRAW ~~ Words Used : EARS, FEET and STRAW.
  EARS + MEET = STRAW ~~ Words Used : EARS, MEET and STRAW.
  EARS + SIRS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : EARS, SIRS and STRAW.
  EARS + SOUR = STRAW ~~ Words Used : EARS, SOUR and STRAW.
  EARS + SURE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : EARS, STRAW and SURE.
  EASE + ADD = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ADD, EASE and STRAW.
  EASE + ALL = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ALL, EASE and STRAW.
  EASE + ANN = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ANN, EASE and STRAW.
  EASE + EAST = STRAW ~~ Words Used : EASE, EAST and STRAW.
  EASE + SAFE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : EASE, SAFE and STRAW.
  EASE + SALE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : EASE, SALE and STRAW.
  EASE + SAME = STRAW ~~ Words Used : EASE, SAME and STRAW.
  EASE + SAVE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : EASE, SAVE and STRAW.
  EASED + BEST = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BEST, EASED and STRAW.
  EASED + DARE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : DARE, EASED and STRAW.
  EASED + DEED = STRAW ~~ Words Used : DEED, EASED and STRAW.
  EASED + NEST = STRAW ~~ Words Used : EASED, NEST and STRAW.
  EASED + SAYS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : EASED, SAYS and STRAW.
  EASES + BEST = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BEST, EASES and STRAW.
  EASES + BOOT = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BOOT, EASES and STRAW.
  EASES + EASE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : EASE, EASES and STRAW.
  EASES + EAST = STRAW ~~ Words Used : EASES, EAST and STRAW.
  EASES + FEET = STRAW ~~ Words Used : EASES, FEET and STRAW.
  EASES + FOOT = STRAW ~~ Words Used : EASES, FOOT and STRAW.
  EASES + HOOT = STRAW ~~ Words Used : EASES, HOOT and STRAW.
  EASES + MEET = STRAW ~~ Words Used : EASES, MEET and STRAW.
  EASES + NEST = STRAW ~~ Words Used : EASES, NEST and STRAW.
  EASES + SASH = STRAW ~~ Words Used : EASES, SASH and STRAW.
  EASES + SEES = STRAW ~~ Words Used : EASES, SEES and STRAW.
  EASES + WERE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : EASES, STRAW and WERE.
  EAST + RACE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : EAST, RACE and STRAW.
  EAST + RAKE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : EAST, RAKE and STRAW.
  EAST + REST = STRAW ~~ Words Used : EAST, REST and STRAW.
  EAST + WEST = STRAW ~~ Words Used : EAST, STRAW and WEST.
  EAST + WIRE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : EAST, STRAW and WIRE.
  EAST + WORE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : EAST, STRAW and WORE.
  EATEN + EATS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : EATEN, EATS and STRAW.
  EATEN + RUNS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : EATEN, RUNS and STRAW.
  EATEN + SEEN = STRAW ~~ Words Used : EATEN, SEEN and STRAW.
  EATS + RATE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : EATS, RATE and STRAW.
  EATS + ROSA = STRAW ~~ Words Used : EATS, ROSA and STRAW.
  EATS + TARS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : EATS, STRAW and TARS.
  EDDY + WEED = STRAW ~~ Words Used : EDDY, STRAW and WEED.
  EDIT + WIRE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : EDIT, STRAW and WIRE.
  EJECT + CARS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : CARS, EJECT and STRAW.
  EMMA + SEEM = STRAW ~~ Words Used : EMMA, SEEM and STRAW.
  EMMA + WATT = STRAW ~~ Words Used : EMMA, STRAW and WATT.
  EMPTY + APE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : APE, EMPTY and STRAW.
  ENDED + DATA = STRAW ~~ Words Used : DATA, ENDED and STRAW.
  ENDS + ANN = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ANN, ENDS and STRAW.
  ENTER + WANT = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ENTER, STRAW and WANT.
  ENTER + WATT = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ENTER, STRAW and WATT.
  ERASE + AIRS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AIRS, ERASE and STRAW.
  ERASE + BEST = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BEST, ERASE and STRAW.
  ERASE + EASE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : EASE, ERASE and STRAW.
  ERASE + EATS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : EATS, ERASE and STRAW.
  ERASE + EVES = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ERASE, EVES and STRAW.
  ERASE + EYES = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ERASE, EYES and STRAW.
  ERASE + NEST = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ERASE, NEST and STRAW.
  ERASE + REST = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ERASE, REST and STRAW.
  ERASE + SENT = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ERASE, SENT and STRAW.
  ERASE + SORT = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ERASE, SORT and STRAW.
  ERASE + WEAR = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ERASE, STRAW and WEAR.
  ERECT + CART = STRAW ~~ Words Used : CART, ERECT and STRAW.
  ERECT + CASE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : CASE, ERECT and STRAW.
  ERIC x IT = STATIC ~~ Words Used : ERIC, IT, STATIC and STRAW.
  EVES + SAVE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : EVES, SAVE and STRAW.
  EVIL + AIR = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AIR, EVIL and STRAW.
  EXACT + ACRE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ACRE, EXACT and STRAW.
  EXERT + EASE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : EASE, EXERT and STRAW.
  EXERT + RATE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : EXERT, RATE and STRAW.
  EXERT + SETS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : EXERT, SETS and STRAW.
  EXIT + WIRE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : EXIT, STRAW and WIRE.
  EXTRA + EATS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : EATS, EXTRA and STRAW.
  EXTRA + WARS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : EXTRA, STRAW and WARS.
  EXTRA + WEAR = STRAW ~~ Words Used : EXTRA, STRAW and WEAR.
  EXTRA + WERE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : EXTRA, STRAW and WERE.
  FACTS + CARS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : CARS, FACTS and STRAW.
  FACTS + CUP = STRAW ~~ Words Used : CUP, FACTS and STRAW.
  FADE + ATE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ATE, FADE and STRAW.
  FADE + SEED = STRAW ~~ Words Used : FADE, SEED and STRAW.
  FADES + EATS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : EATS, FADES and STRAW.
  FAILS + FLY = STRAW ~~ Words Used : FAILS, FLY and STRAW.
  FAINT + RAIN = STRAW ~~ Words Used : FAINT, RAIN and STRAW.
  FAIR + AIR = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AIR, FAIR and STRAW.
  FAIR + FAST = STRAW ~~ Words Used : FAIR, FAST and STRAW.
  FAIR + SAFE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : FAIR, SAFE and STRAW.
  FAIR + SIRS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : FAIR, SIRS and STRAW.
  FAIR + STIR = STRAW ~~ Words Used : FAIR, STIR and STRAW.
  FAKE + ATE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ATE, FAKE and STRAW.
  FAKE + SEEK = STRAW ~~ Words Used : FAKE, SEEK and STRAW.
  FAKE + WEEK = STRAW ~~ Words Used : FAKE, STRAW and WEEK.
  FAKES + EATS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : EATS, FAKES and STRAW.
  FALLS + FLY = STRAW ~~ Words Used : FALLS, FLY and STRAW.
  FALLS + ILL = STRAW ~~ Words Used : FALLS, ILL and STRAW.
  FALLS + LAWS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : FALLS, LAWS and STRAW.
  FALLS + OLD = STRAW ~~ Words Used : FALLS, OLD and STRAW.
  FALLS + SALT = STRAW ~~ Words Used : FALLS, SALT and STRAW.
  FALSE + LAWS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : FALSE, LAWS and STRAW.
  FALSE + WARS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : FALSE, STRAW and WARS.
  FANS + FAST = STRAW ~~ Words Used : FANS, FAST and STRAW.
  FARE + FEES = STRAW ~~ Words Used : FARE, FEES and STRAW.
  FARES + ARTS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ARTS, FARES and STRAW.
  FARMS + ARTS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ARTS, FARMS and STRAW.
  FAST + RATE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : FAST, RATE and STRAW.
  FAST + ROWS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : FAST, ROWS and STRAW.
  FATAL + LAST = STRAW ~~ Words Used : FATAL, LAST and STRAW.
  FATS + ROSA = STRAW ~~ Words Used : FATS, ROSA and STRAW.
  FATS + TARS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : FATS, STRAW and TARS.
  FAULT + LATE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : FAULT, LATE and STRAW.
  FEAR + ATE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ATE, FEAR and STRAW.
  FEARS + AIR = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AIR, FEARS and STRAW.
  FEARS + FEES = STRAW ~~ Words Used : FEARS, FEES and STRAW.
  FEARS + FIRE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : FEARS, FIRE and STRAW.
  FEARS + RUST = STRAW ~~ Words Used : FEARS, RUST and STRAW.
  FEARS + SEAT = STRAW ~~ Words Used : FEARS, SEAT and STRAW.
  FEARS + SETS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : FEARS, SETS and STRAW.
  FEARS + WENT = STRAW ~~ Words Used : FEARS, STRAW and WENT.
  FEARS + WETS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : FEARS, STRAW and WETS.
  FEES + AGE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AGE, FEES and STRAW.
  FEES + AXE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AXE, FEES and STRAW.
  FEET + RATE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : FEET, RATE and STRAW.
  FEET + WATT = STRAW ~~ Words Used : FEET, STRAW and WATT.
  FEWER + HER = STRAW ~~ Words Used : FEWER, HER and STRAW.
  FEWER + USER = STRAW ~~ Words Used : FEWER, STRAW and USER.
  FEWER + WEED = STRAW ~~ Words Used : FEWER, STRAW and WEED.
  FEWER + WEEK = STRAW ~~ Words Used : FEWER, STRAW and WEEK.
  FEWER + WEEP = STRAW ~~ Words Used : FEWER, STRAW and WEEP.
  FIFTY + FRY = STRAW ~~ Words Used : FIFTY, FRY and STRAW.
  FILLS + LISA = STRAW ~~ Words Used : FILLS, LISA and STRAW.
  FISTS x A = STRAW ~~ Words Used : A, FISTS and STRAW.
  FISTS + FIRE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : FIRE, FISTS and STRAW.
  FISTS + FIRM = STRAW ~~ Words Used : FIRM, FISTS and STRAW.
  FLEET + RATE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : FLEET, RATE and STRAW.
  FLEW x IT = STRAW ~~ Words Used : DATA, FLEW, IT and STRAW.
  FLIP + WILL = STRAW ~~ Words Used : FLIP, STRAW and WILL.
  FLOW x IT = STRAW ~~ Words Used : DATA, FLOW, IT and STRAW.
  FLOWN + NOD = STRAW ~~ Words Used : FLOWN, NOD and STRAW.
  FOGS + AGO = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AGO, FOGS and STRAW.
  FOOT + OARS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : FOOT, OARS and STRAW.
  FOOT + WATT = STRAW ~~ Words Used : FOOT, STRAW and WATT.
  FOOT + WOOD = STRAW ~~ Words Used : FOOT, STRAW and WOOD.
  FOOT + WOOL = STRAW ~~ Words Used : FOOT, STRAW and WOOL.
  FOOTS + OARS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : FOOTS, OARS and STRAW.
  FOOTS + ROTS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : FOOTS, ROTS and STRAW.
  FORT + ROOT = STRAW ~~ Words Used : FORT, ROOT and STRAW.
  FOURS + FOR = STRAW ~~ Words Used : FOR, FOURS and STRAW.
  FRAME + SEEM = STRAW ~~ Words Used : FRAME, SEEM and STRAW.
  FRANK + NORA = STRAW ~~ Words Used : FRANK, NORA and STRAW.
  FREE + SIRS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : FREE, SIRS and STRAW.
  FREES + EARS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : EARS, FREES and STRAW.
  FROST + BARS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BARS, FROST and STRAW.
  FROST + CARS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : CARS, FROST and STRAW.
  FROST + EARS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : EARS, FROST and STRAW.
  FROST + FORT = STRAW ~~ Words Used : FORT, FROST and STRAW.
  FROST + JARS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : FROST, JARS and STRAW.
  FROST + ROOT = STRAW ~~ Words Used : FROST, ROOT and STRAW.
  FROST + ROTS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : FROST, ROTS and STRAW.
  FURS + WARS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : FURS, STRAW and WARS.
  FUSES x A = STRAW ~~ Words Used : A, FUSES and STRAW.
  FUSES + FUR = STRAW ~~ Words Used : FUR, FUSES and STRAW.
  GAGE + GEAR = STRAW ~~ Words Used : GAGE, GEAR and STRAW.
  GAGE + GETS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : GAGE, GETS and STRAW.
  GAGES + BED = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BED, GAGES and STRAW.
  GAGES + BETS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BETS, GAGES and STRAW.
  GAGES + FED = STRAW ~~ Words Used : FED, GAGES and STRAW.
  GAGES + FEE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : FEE, GAGES and STRAW.
  GAGES + HEM = STRAW ~~ Words Used : GAGES, HEM and STRAW.
  GAGES + JETS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : GAGES, JETS and STRAW.
  GAGES + KEY = STRAW ~~ Words Used : GAGES, KEY and STRAW.
  GAGES + LED = STRAW ~~ Words Used : GAGES, LED and STRAW.
  GAGES + LEE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : GAGES, LEE and STRAW.
  GAGES + LETS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : GAGES, LETS and STRAW.
  GAGES + RISE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : GAGES, RISE and STRAW.
  GAGES + ROSE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : GAGES, ROSE and STRAW.
  GAGES + USES = STRAW ~~ Words Used : GAGES, STRAW and USES.
  GAGES + WERE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : GAGES, STRAW and WERE.
  GAIN + SING = STRAW ~~ Words Used : GAIN, SING and STRAW.
  GAIN + WIN = STRAW ~~ Words Used : GAIN, STRAW and WIN.
  GAINS + BIG = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BIG, GAINS and STRAW.
  GAINS + DIG = STRAW ~~ Words Used : DIG, GAINS and STRAW.
  GAINS + JIG = STRAW ~~ Words Used : GAINS, JIG and STRAW.
  GAMES + WAGE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : GAMES, STRAW and WAGE.
  GANGS + NAIL = STRAW ~~ Words Used : GANGS, NAIL and STRAW.
  GANGS + NAVY = STRAW ~~ Words Used : GANGS, NAVY and STRAW.
  GAPS + POP = STRAW ~~ Words Used : GAPS, POP and STRAW.
  GARY + RAGS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : GARY, RAGS and STRAW.
  GASES + AGES = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AGES, GASES and STRAW.
  GASES + BASE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BASE, GASES and STRAW.
  GASES + RAGS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : GASES, RAGS and STRAW.
  GASES + SEE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : GASES, SEE and STRAW.
  GATE + GEAR = STRAW ~~ Words Used : GATE, GEAR and STRAW.
  GATED + EATS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : EATS, GATED and STRAW.
  GATES + RAGS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : GATES, RAGS and STRAW.
  GATES + WAGS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : GATES, STRAW and WAGS.
  GAUGE + USE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : GAUGE, STRAW and USE.
  GEAR + ATE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ATE, GEAR and STRAW.
  GEARS + AIR = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AIR, GEARS and STRAW.
  GEARS + RUST = STRAW ~~ Words Used : GEARS, RUST and STRAW.
  GEARS + SEAT = STRAW ~~ Words Used : GEARS, SEAT and STRAW.
  GEARS + SETS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : GEARS, SETS and STRAW.
  GEARS + WENT = STRAW ~~ Words Used : GEARS, STRAW and WENT.
  GEARS + WETS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : GEARS, STRAW and WETS.
  GIANT + RAIN = STRAW ~~ Words Used : GIANT, RAIN and STRAW.
  GLASS + EGG = STRAW ~~ Words Used : EGG, GLASS and STRAW.
  GLASS + RAGS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : GLASS, RAGS and STRAW.
  GLASS + SALT = STRAW ~~ Words Used : GLASS, SALT and STRAW.
  GLASS + WILL = STRAW ~~ Words Used : GLASS, STRAW and WILL.
  GLOW x IT = STRAW ~~ Words Used : DATA, GLOW, IT and STRAW.
  GLOWS + LOG = STRAW ~~ Words Used : GLOWS, LOG and STRAW.
  GRACE + CORA = STRAW ~~ Words Used : CORA, GRACE and STRAW.
  GRADE + DORA = STRAW ~~ Words Used : DORA, GRADE and STRAW.
  GRAIN + AIRS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AIRS, GRAIN and STRAW.
  GRASP + GAPS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : GAPS, GRASP and STRAW.
  GRASP + PART = STRAW ~~ Words Used : GRASP, PART and STRAW.
  GRASP + PATS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : GRASP, PATS and STRAW.
  GRASP + SAPS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : GRASP, SAPS and STRAW.
  GRASS + BAGS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BAGS, GRASS and STRAW.
  GRASS + BURT = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BURT, GRASS and STRAW.
  GRASS + EGGS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : EGGS, GRASS and STRAW.
  GRASS + FORT = STRAW ~~ Words Used : FORT, GRASS and STRAW.
  GRASS + HURT = STRAW ~~ Words Used : GRASS, HURT and STRAW.
  GRASS + SAPS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : GRASS, SAPS and STRAW.
  GRASS + SAYS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : GRASS, SAYS and STRAW.
  GREET + DATE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : DATE, GREET and STRAW.
  GREET + EARS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : EARS, GREET and STRAW.
  GREET + EAST = STRAW ~~ Words Used : EAST, GREET and STRAW.
  GREET + EGGS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : EGGS, GREET and STRAW.
  GREET + GATE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : GATE, GREET and STRAW.
  GREET + HATE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : GREET, HATE and STRAW.
  GREET + LATE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : GREET, LATE and STRAW.
  GREET + MATE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : GREET, MATE and STRAW.
  GREET + RATE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : GREET, RATE and STRAW.
  GREET + REST = STRAW ~~ Words Used : GREET, REST and STRAW.
  GRETA + BASE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BASE, GRETA and STRAW.
  GRETA + CAGE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : CAGE, GRETA and STRAW.
  GRETA + CASE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : CASE, GRETA and STRAW.
  GRETA + EARS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : EARS, GRETA and STRAW.
  GRETA + EATS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : EATS, GRETA and STRAW.
  GRETA + GAGE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : GAGE, GRETA and STRAW.
  GRETA + PAGE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : GRETA, PAGE and STRAW.
  GRETA + RATE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : GRETA, RATE and STRAW.
  GRETA + WAGE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : GRETA, STRAW and WAGE.
  GRETA + WATT = STRAW ~~ Words Used : GRETA, STRAW and WATT.
  GRETA + WEST = STRAW ~~ Words Used : GRETA, STRAW and WEST.
  GRETA + WETS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : GRETA, STRAW and WETS.
  GROWS + CORA = STRAW ~~ Words Used : CORA, GROWS and STRAW.
  GROWS + DORA = STRAW ~~ Words Used : DORA, GROWS and STRAW.
  GROWS + LORA = STRAW ~~ Words Used : GROWS, LORA and STRAW.
  GROWS + NORA = STRAW ~~ Words Used : GROWS, NORA and STRAW.
  GROWS + SORT = STRAW ~~ Words Used : GROWS, SORT and STRAW.
  GUARD + ADD = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ADD, GUARD and STRAW.
  GUESS + ADD = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ADD, GUESS and STRAW.
  HAIR + AIR = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AIR, HAIR and STRAW.
  HAIR + SIRS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : HAIR, SIRS and STRAW.
  HAIR + STIR = STRAW ~~ Words Used : HAIR, STIR and STRAW.
  HAIR + WASH = STRAW ~~ Words Used : HAIR, STRAW and WASH.
  HAIRS + ARTS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ARTS, HAIRS and STRAW.
  HAIRS + RAIL = STRAW ~~ Words Used : HAIRS, RAIL and STRAW.
  HAIRS + RAIN = STRAW ~~ Words Used : HAIRS, RAIN and STRAW.
  HAIRS + WAIT = STRAW ~~ Words Used : HAIRS, STRAW and WAIT.
  HAIRS + WARS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : HAIRS, STRAW and WARS.
  HALL + SASH = STRAW ~~ Words Used : HALL, SASH and STRAW.
  HALLS + FLY = STRAW ~~ Words Used : FLY, HALLS and STRAW.
  HALLS + ILL = STRAW ~~ Words Used : HALLS, ILL and STRAW.
  HALLS + LAWS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : HALLS, LAWS and STRAW.
  HALLS + OLD = STRAW ~~ Words Used : HALLS, OLD and STRAW.
  HALLS + SALT = STRAW ~~ Words Used : HALLS, SALT and STRAW.
  HALT + LAST = STRAW ~~ Words Used : HALT, LAST and STRAW.
  HALTS + HIS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : HALTS, HIS and STRAW.
  HALTS + LAWS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : HALTS, LAWS and STRAW.
  HALTS + LED = STRAW ~~ Words Used : HALTS, LED and STRAW.
  HALTS + LEG = STRAW ~~ Words Used : HALTS, LEG and STRAW.
  HALTS + LIE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : HALTS, LIE and STRAW.
  HALVE + HER = STRAW ~~ Words Used : HALVE, HER and STRAW.
  HARMS + ARTS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ARTS, HARMS and STRAW.
  HASTE + HER = STRAW ~~ Words Used : HASTE, HER and STRAW.
  HASTE + SASH = STRAW ~~ Words Used : HASTE, SASH and STRAW.
  HASTE + SEA = STRAW ~~ Words Used : HASTE, SEA and STRAW.
  HASTE + SUE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : HASTE, STRAW and SUE.
  HATCH + ACTS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ACTS, HATCH and STRAW.
  HATCH + CART = STRAW ~~ Words Used : CART, HATCH and STRAW.
  HATCH + WATT = STRAW ~~ Words Used : HATCH, STRAW and WATT.
  HATE + HEAR = STRAW ~~ Words Used : HATE, HEAR and STRAW.
  HATE + HERE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : HATE, HERE and STRAW.
  HATE + SHOE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : HATE, SHOE and STRAW.
  HATED + EATS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : EATS, HATED and STRAW.
  HATS + ROSA = STRAW ~~ Words Used : HATS, ROSA and STRAW.
  HATS + TARS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : HATS, STRAW and TARS.
  HAVE + ATE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ATE, HAVE and STRAW.
  HEADS + ADA = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ADA, HEADS and STRAW.
  HEAR + ATE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ATE, HEAR and STRAW.
  HEARD + ADD = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ADD, HEARD and STRAW.
  HEARS + AIR = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AIR, HEARS and STRAW.
  HEARS + HERE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : HEARS, HERE and STRAW.
  HEARS + HIRE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : HEARS, HIRE and STRAW.
  HEARS + RUST = STRAW ~~ Words Used : HEARS, RUST and STRAW.
  HEARS + SEAT = STRAW ~~ Words Used : HEARS, SEAT and STRAW.
  HEARS + SETS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : HEARS, SETS and STRAW.
  HEARS + WASH = STRAW ~~ Words Used : HEARS, STRAW and WASH.
  HEARS + WETS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : HEARS, STRAW and WETS.
  HEART + FEET = STRAW ~~ Words Used : FEET, HEART and STRAW.
  HEART + MEET = STRAW ~~ Words Used : HEART, MEET and STRAW.
  HEART + SEAT = STRAW ~~ Words Used : HEART, SEAT and STRAW.
  HEART + WASH = STRAW ~~ Words Used : HEART, STRAW and WASH.
  HEART + WEBS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : HEART, STRAW and WEBS.
  HEAVE + SHE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : HEAVE, SHE and STRAW.
  HEMS + SAME = STRAW ~~ Words Used : HEMS, SAME and STRAW.
  HERE + SEES = STRAW ~~ Words Used : HERE, SEES and STRAW.
  HERS + SHED = STRAW ~~ Words Used : HERS, SHED and STRAW.
  HERS + WARS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : HERS, STRAW and WARS.
  HILLS + LISA = STRAW ~~ Words Used : HILLS, LISA and STRAW.
  HITCH + ACTS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ACTS, HITCH and STRAW.
  HITCH + AIRS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AIRS, HITCH and STRAW.
  HOIST + ROSA = STRAW ~~ Words Used : HOIST, ROSA and STRAW.
  HOLES + ORE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : HOLES, ORE and STRAW.
  HOMES + ORE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : HOMES, ORE and STRAW.
  HONKS + ASK = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ASK, HONKS and STRAW.
  HONOR + ANN = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ANN, HONOR and STRAW.
  HOOD + WHO = STRAW ~~ Words Used : HOOD, STRAW and WHO.
  HOOF + WHO = STRAW ~~ Words Used : HOOF, STRAW and WHO.
  HOOK + WHO = STRAW ~~ Words Used : HOOK, STRAW and WHO.
  HOOKS + KEY = STRAW ~~ Words Used : HOOKS, KEY and STRAW.
  HOOP + WHO = STRAW ~~ Words Used : HOOP, STRAW and WHO.
  HOOT + OARS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : HOOT, OARS and STRAW.
  HOOT + WATT = STRAW ~~ Words Used : HOOT, STRAW and WATT.
  HOOT + WOOD = STRAW ~~ Words Used : HOOT, STRAW and WOOD.
  HOOT + WOOL = STRAW ~~ Words Used : HOOT, STRAW and WOOL.
  HOSES x A = STRAW ~~ Words Used : A, HOSES and STRAW.
  HOW x POP = STRAW ~~ Words Used : HACK, HOW, POP and STRAW.
  HOW x POP = STRAW ~~ Words Used : HAIL, HOW, POP and STRAW.
  HOW x POP = STRAW ~~ Words Used : HAND, HOW, POP and STRAW.
  HOW x POP = STRAW ~~ Words Used : HANG, HOW, POP and STRAW.
  HOW x POP = STRAW ~~ Words Used : HANK, HOW, POP and STRAW.
  HOW x POP = STRAW ~~ Words Used : HAUL, HOW, POP and STRAW.
  HOWLS + LOTS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : HOWLS, LOTS and STRAW.
  HOWLS + WOOL = STRAW ~~ Words Used : HOWLS, STRAW and WOOL.
  HUNKS + ASK = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ASK, HUNKS and STRAW.
  HURT + WASH = STRAW ~~ Words Used : HURT, STRAW and WASH.
  IDLES + AIR = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AIR, IDLES and STRAW.
  INDEX + WIN = STRAW ~~ Words Used : INDEX, STRAW and WIN.
  INTO + OUR = STRAW ~~ Words Used : INTO, OUR and STRAW.
  INTO + WON = STRAW ~~ Words Used : INTO, STRAW and WON.
  ITEM + WETS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ITEM, STRAW and WETS.
  JAMES + EATS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : EATS, JAMES and STRAW.
  JANE + ATE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ATE, JANE and STRAW.
  JANE + SEEN = STRAW ~~ Words Used : JANE, SEEN and STRAW.
  JARS + JAWS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : JARS, JAWS and STRAW.
  JARS + SIRS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : JARS, SIRS and STRAW.
  JARS + SOUR = STRAW ~~ Words Used : JARS, SOUR and STRAW.
  JAWS + JAWS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : JAWS and STRAW.
  JAWS + REST = STRAW ~~ Words Used : JAWS, REST and STRAW.
  JAWS + RUST = STRAW ~~ Words Used : JAWS, RUST and STRAW.
  JAWS + WARS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : JAWS, STRAW and WARS.
  JAWS + WATT = STRAW ~~ Words Used : JAWS, STRAW and WATT.
  JOIN + AIR = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AIR, JOIN and STRAW.
  KILLS + LISA = STRAW ~~ Words Used : KILLS, LISA and STRAW.
  KITES + RAKE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : KITES, RAKE and STRAW.
  KNEES + SEA = STRAW ~~ Words Used : KNEES, SEA and STRAW.
  KNOT + WORK = STRAW ~~ Words Used : KNOT, STRAW and WORK.
  KNOTS + OWNS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : KNOTS, OWNS and STRAW.
  KNOWN + KEY = STRAW ~~ Words Used : KEY, KNOWN and STRAW.
  LABEL + WEB = STRAW ~~ Words Used : LABEL, STRAW and WEB.
  LABOR + BALL = STRAW ~~ Words Used : BALL, LABOR and STRAW.
  LABOR + LEE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : LABOR, LEE and STRAW.
  LACKS + WALK = STRAW ~~ Words Used : LACKS, STRAW and WALK.
  LAID + SAIL = STRAW ~~ Words Used : LAID, SAIL and STRAW.
  LAIN + SAIL = STRAW ~~ Words Used : LAIN, SAIL and STRAW.
  LAKE + ATE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ATE, LAKE and STRAW.
  LAKE + WEEK = STRAW ~~ Words Used : LAKE, STRAW and WEEK.
  LAKES + EATS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : EATS, LAKES and STRAW.
  LAMPS + PATS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : LAMPS, PATS and STRAW.
  LANE + ATE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ATE, LANE and STRAW.
  LANE + SEEN = STRAW ~~ Words Used : LANE, SEEN and STRAW.
  LANES + EATS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : EATS, LANES and STRAW.
  LAPS + LAST = STRAW ~~ Words Used : LAPS, LAST and STRAW.
  LAPSE + PAWS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : LAPSE, PAWS and STRAW.
  LARGE + USER = STRAW ~~ Words Used : LARGE, STRAW and USER.
  LASER + ACRE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ACRE, LASER and STRAW.
  LASER + LAST = STRAW ~~ Words Used : LASER, LAST and STRAW.
  LASER + REST = STRAW ~~ Words Used : LASER, REST and STRAW.
  LASER + SAFE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : LASER, SAFE and STRAW.
  LASER + SAME = STRAW ~~ Words Used : LASER, SAME and STRAW.
  LASER + SAVE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : LASER, SAVE and STRAW.
  LAST + LAYS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : LAST, LAYS and STRAW.
  LAST + RAIL = STRAW ~~ Words Used : LAST, RAIL and STRAW.
  LAST + RATE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : LAST, RATE and STRAW.
  LAST + ROWS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : LAST, ROWS and STRAW.
  LASTS + ACTS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ACTS, LASTS and STRAW.
  LASTS + WALL = STRAW ~~ Words Used : LASTS, STRAW and WALL.
  LASTS + WAS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : LASTS, STRAW and WAS.
  LASTS + WEAR = STRAW ~~ Words Used : LASTS, STRAW and WEAR.
  LATE + SLED = STRAW ~~ Words Used : LATE, SLED and STRAW.
  LATER + SWAT = STRAW ~~ Words Used : LATER, STRAW and SWAT.
  LATER + WARS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : LATER, STRAW and WARS.
  LAURA + FUR = STRAW ~~ Words Used : FUR, LAURA and STRAW.
  LAURA + OUR = STRAW ~~ Words Used : LAURA, OUR and STRAW.
  LAWS + LAWS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : LAWS and STRAW.
  LAWS + REST = STRAW ~~ Words Used : LAWS, REST and STRAW.
  LAWS + RUST = STRAW ~~ Words Used : LAWS, RUST and STRAW.
  LAWS + SAIL = STRAW ~~ Words Used : LAWS, SAIL and STRAW.
  LAWS + SELF = STRAW ~~ Words Used : LAWS, SELF and STRAW.
  LAWS + SILK = STRAW ~~ Words Used : LAWS, SILK and STRAW.
  LAWS + SOLD = STRAW ~~ Words Used : LAWS, SOLD and STRAW.
  LAWS + SOLE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : LAWS, SOLE and STRAW.
  LAWS + WALL = STRAW ~~ Words Used : LAWS, STRAW and WALL.
  LAWS + WARS = STRAW ~~ Words Used : LAWS, STRAW and WARS.
  LAWS + WATT = STRAW ~~ Words Used : LAWS, STRAW and WATT.
  LAYER + FLY = STRAW ~~ Words Used : FLY, LAYER and STRAW.
  LAYS + EYE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : EYE, LAYS and STRAW.
  LEADS + ADA = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ADA, LEADS and STRAW.
  LEAKS + ASK = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ASK, LEAKS and STRAW.
  LEAST + LEES = STRAW ~~ Words Used : LEAST, LEES and STRAW.
  LEAST + SEES = STRAW ~~ Words Used : LEAST, SEES and STRAW.
  LEES + AGE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AGE, LEES and STRAW.
  LEES + AXE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AXE, LEES and STRAW.
  LEGS + AGE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AGE, LEGS and STRAW.
  LEVER + ALL = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ALL, LEVER and STRAW.
  LEVER + RATE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : LEVER, RATE and STRAW.
  LIFTS + FAIR = STRAW ~~ Words Used : FAIR, LIFTS and STRAW.
  LIFTS + FUR = STRAW ~~ Words Used : FUR, LIFTS and STRAW.
  LIFTS + WILD = STRAW ~~ Words Used : LIFTS, STRAW and WILD.
  LIMIT + LAST = STRAW ~~ Words Used : LAST, LIMIT and STRAW.
  LINKS + ASK = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ASK, LINKS and STRAW.
  LINTS + WILD = STRAW ~~ Words Used : LINTS, STRAW and WILD.
  LISA + AIR = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AIR, LISA and STRAW.
  LITER + LATE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : LATE, LITER and STRAW.
  LITER + WIRE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : LITER, STRAW and WIRE.
  LITRE + RISE = STRAW ~~ Words Used : LITRE, RISE and STRAW.
  LOADS + ADA = STRAW ~~ Words Used : ADA, LOADS and STRAW.
  LOGS + AGO = STRAW ~~ Words Used : AGO, LOGS and STRAW.