Puzzles Containing PINES

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  PINES + KEEN = ISSUE ~~ Words Used : ISSUE, KEEN and PINES.
  PINES + KEEN = KNOCK ~~ Words Used : KEEN, KNOCK and PINES.
  PINES + KEEN = SPINS ~~ Words Used : KEEN, PINES and SPINS.
  PINES + KIND = SPOKE ~~ Words Used : KIND, PINES and SPOKE.
  PINES + KISS = SPIKE ~~ Words Used : KISS, PINES and SPIKE.
  PINES + KITS = SPENT ~~ Words Used : KITS, PINES and SPENT.
  PINES + KITS = SWEPT ~~ Words Used : KITS, PINES and SWEPT.
  PINES + KNIT = SPIKE ~~ Words Used : KNIT, PINES and SPIKE.
  PINES + LANE = SPOOL ~~ Words Used : LANE, PINES and SPOOL.
  PINES + LAP = DWELL ~~ Words Used : DWELL, LAP and PINES.
  PINES + LAP = LOOSE ~~ Words Used : LAP, LOOSE and PINES.
  PINES + LEAN = LASTS ~~ Words Used : LASTS, LEAN and PINES.
  PINES + LEAP = BLANK ~~ Words Used : BLANK, LEAP and PINES.
  PINES + LEAP = CLANG ~~ Words Used : CLANG, LEAP and PINES.
  PINES + LEES = CECIL ~~ Words Used : CECIL, LEES and PINES.
  PINES + LEES = SPILL ~~ Words Used : LEES, PINES and SPILL.
  PINES + LEGS = SPILL ~~ Words Used : LEGS, PINES and SPILL.
  PINES + LENS = EDITS ~~ Words Used : EDITS, LENS and PINES.
  PINES + LENS = EXITS ~~ Words Used : EXITS, LENS and PINES.
  PINES + LENS = KEVIN ~~ Words Used : KEVIN, LENS and PINES.
  PINES + LENS = LEAVE ~~ Words Used : LEAVE, LENS and PINES.
  PINES + LENS = LOOSE ~~ Words Used : LENS, LOOSE and PINES.
  PINES + LENS = SEIZE ~~ Words Used : LENS, PINES and SEIZE.
  PINES + LENS = SOLVE ~~ Words Used : LENS, PINES and SOLVE.
  PINES + LENS = WHILE ~~ Words Used : LENS, PINES and WHILE.
  PINES + LESS = APPLY ~~ Words Used : APPLY, LESS and PINES.
  PINES + LESS = ISSUE ~~ Words Used : ISSUE, LESS and PINES.
  PINES + LESS = SEIZE ~~ Words Used : LESS, PINES and SEIZE.
  PINES + LETS = SPILL ~~ Words Used : LETS, PINES and SPILL.
  PINES + LIDS = SPEND ~~ Words Used : LIDS, PINES and SPEND.
  PINES + LIES = NAILS ~~ Words Used : LIES, NAILS and PINES.
  PINES + LIES = OPENS ~~ Words Used : LIES, OPENS and PINES.
  PINES + LIES = SPOON ~~ Words Used : LIES, PINES and SPOON.
  PINES + LILY = NYLON ~~ Words Used : LILY, NYLON and PINES.
  PINES + LIMP = SMELL ~~ Words Used : LIMP, PINES and SMELL.
  PINES + LINE = CECIL ~~ Words Used : CECIL, LINE and PINES.
  PINES + LINE = SPOIL ~~ Words Used : LINE, PINES and SPOIL.
  PINES + LINK = SPOON ~~ Words Used : LINK, PINES and SPOON.
  PINES + LIPS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LIPS and PINES.
  PINES + LIPS = IRENE ~~ Words Used : IRENE, LIPS and PINES.
  PINES + LIPS = LOOSE ~~ Words Used : LIPS, LOOSE and PINES.
  PINES + LIPS = SHELL ~~ Words Used : LIPS, PINES and SHELL.
  PINES + LIPS = SMELL ~~ Words Used : LIPS, PINES and SMELL.
  PINES + LIPS = SWELL ~~ Words Used : LIPS, PINES and SWELL.
  PINES + LISA = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, LISA and PINES.
  PINES + LISA = SHALL ~~ Words Used : LISA, PINES and SHALL.
  PINES + LISA = SMALL ~~ Words Used : LISA, PINES and SMALL.
  PINES + LISA = SPOIL ~~ Words Used : LISA, PINES and SPOIL.
  PINES + LISA = STALL ~~ Words Used : LISA, PINES and STALL.
  PINES + LIST = SPOIL ~~ Words Used : LIST, PINES and SPOIL.
  PINES + MAN = MARIA ~~ Words Used : MAN, MARIA and PINES.
  PINES + MEAN = MASKS ~~ Words Used : MASKS, MEAN and PINES.
  PINES + MEAN = MASTS ~~ Words Used : MASTS, MEAN and PINES.
  PINES + MEAN = MEANT ~~ Words Used : MEAN, MEANT and PINES.
  PINES + MEN = MARIA ~~ Words Used : MARIA, MEN and PINES.
  PINES + MESS = ISSUE ~~ Words Used : ISSUE, MESS and PINES.
  PINES + MIND = SPOON ~~ Words Used : MIND, PINES and SPOON.
  PINES + MISS = ENEMY ~~ Words Used : ENEMY, MISS and PINES.
  PINES + NEAR = ARROW ~~ Words Used : ARROW, NEAR and PINES.
  PINES + NEAR = CARVE ~~ Words Used : CARVE, NEAR and PINES.
  PINES + NEAR = DRIED ~~ Words Used : DRIED, NEAR and PINES.
  PINES + NEAR = ERASE ~~ Words Used : ERASE, NEAR and PINES.
  PINES + NEAR = LARGE ~~ Words Used : LARGE, NEAR and PINES.
  PINES + NEAR = SPARE ~~ Words Used : NEAR, PINES and SPARE.
  PINES + NEAT = ACTED ~~ Words Used : ACTED, NEAT and PINES.
  PINES + NEAT = AFTER ~~ Words Used : AFTER, NEAT and PINES.
  PINES + NEAT = ALTER ~~ Words Used : ALTER, NEAT and PINES.
  PINES + NEAT = STAGE ~~ Words Used : NEAT, PINES and STAGE.
  PINES + NEAT = STAKE ~~ Words Used : NEAT, PINES and STAKE.
  PINES + NEAT = STARE ~~ Words Used : NEAT, PINES and STARE.
  PINES + NEAT = STATE ~~ Words Used : NEAT, PINES and STATE.
  PINES + NECK = KEVIN ~~ Words Used : KEVIN, NECK and PINES.
  PINES + NECK = SPIKE ~~ Words Used : NECK, PINES and SPIKE.
  PINES + NEED = SPINS ~~ Words Used : NEED, PINES and SPINS.
  PINES + NEST = SEIZE ~~ Words Used : NEST, PINES and SEIZE.
  PINES + NEST = SEVEN ~~ Words Used : NEST, PINES and SEVEN.
  PINES + NEST = SPINS ~~ Words Used : NEST, PINES and SPINS.
  PINES + NET = SUSAN ~~ Words Used : NET, PINES and SUSAN.
  PINES + NET = THEIR ~~ Words Used : NET, PINES and THEIR.
  PINES + NETS = ISSUE ~~ Words Used : ISSUE, NETS and PINES.
  PINES + NEW = SERVE ~~ Words Used : NEW, PINES and SERVE.
  PINES + NEW = SHOWN ~~ Words Used : NEW, PINES and SHOWN.
  PINES + NICE = BASIN ~~ Words Used : BASIN, NICE and PINES.
  PINES + NINE = ALAIN ~~ Words Used : ALAIN, NINE and PINES.
  PINES + NINE = CECIL ~~ Words Used : CECIL, NINE and PINES.
  PINES + NINE = MARIA ~~ Words Used : MARIA, NINE and PINES.
  PINES + NINE = SUSAN ~~ Words Used : NINE, PINES and SUSAN.
  PINES + NOEL = HELLO ~~ Words Used : HELLO, NOEL and PINES.
  PINES + NOEL = NOISY ~~ Words Used : NOEL, NOISY and PINES.
  PINES + NOSE = BLEND ~~ Words Used : BLEND, NOSE and PINES.
  PINES + NOT = DEPTH ~~ Words Used : DEPTH, NOT and PINES.
  PINES + NOW = TOAST ~~ Words Used : NOW, PINES and TOAST.
  PINES + NUT = DEPTH ~~ Words Used : DEPTH, NUT and PINES.
  PINES + NUT = DUSTY ~~ Words Used : DUSTY, NUT and PINES.
  PINES + NUTS = SWEPT ~~ Words Used : NUTS, PINES and SWEPT.
  PINES x ON = BATHES ~~ Words Used : BATHES, BOOTS, ON and PINES.
  PINES + ONCE = SPOON ~~ Words Used : ONCE, PINES and SPOON.
  PINES + ONE = NYLON ~~ Words Used : NYLON, ONE and PINES.
  PINES + OWN = WHERE ~~ Words Used : OWN, PINES and WHERE.
  PINES + OWNS = SPOON ~~ Words Used : OWNS, PINES and SPOON.
  PINES + PAN = BLADE ~~ Words Used : BLADE, PAN and PINES.
  PINES + PAN = BLAZE ~~ Words Used : BLAZE, PAN and PINES.
  PINES + PAN = BRACE ~~ Words Used : BRACE, PAN and PINES.
  PINES + PAN = BRAID ~~ Words Used : BRAID, PAN and PINES.
  PINES + PAN = BRAKE ~~ Words Used : BRAKE, PAN and PINES.
  PINES + PAN = BRAVE ~~ Words Used : BRAVE, PAN and PINES.
  PINES + PAN = BRAZE ~~ Words Used : BRAZE, PAN and PINES.
  PINES + PAN = CLAIM ~~ Words Used : CLAIM, PAN and PINES.
  PINES + PAN = FLAKE ~~ Words Used : FLAKE, PAN and PINES.
  PINES + PAN = FLAME ~~ Words Used : FLAME, PAN and PINES.
  PINES + PAN = FRAME ~~ Words Used : FRAME, PAN and PINES.
  PINES + PAN = GLAZE ~~ Words Used : GLAZE, PAN and PINES.
  PINES + PAN = GRACE ~~ Words Used : GRACE, PAN and PINES.
  PINES + PAN = GRADE ~~ Words Used : GRADE, PAN and PINES.
  PINES + PAN = GRAVE ~~ Words Used : GRAVE, PAN and PINES.
  PINES + PAN = GRETA ~~ Words Used : GRETA, PAN and PINES.
  PINES + PAN = SHAPE ~~ Words Used : PAN, PINES and SHAPE.
  PINES + PAN = THEIR ~~ Words Used : PAN, PINES and THEIR.
  PINES + PAN = TRACE ~~ Words Used : PAN, PINES and TRACE.
  PINES + PAN = TRADE ~~ Words Used : PAN, PINES and TRADE.
  PINES + PASS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, PASS and PINES.
  PINES + PAST = TASTE ~~ Words Used : PAST, PINES and TASTE.
  PINES + PEA = NURSE ~~ Words Used : NURSE, PEA and PINES.
  PINES + PEA = SHAPE ~~ Words Used : PEA, PINES and SHAPE.
  PINES + PEA = STATE ~~ Words Used : PEA, PINES and STATE.
  PINES + PEA = STEAM ~~ Words Used : PEA, PINES and STEAM.
  PINES + PEAR = SPARE ~~ Words Used : PEAR, PINES and SPARE.
  PINES + PEAS = ADAPT ~~ Words Used : ADAPT, PEAS and PINES.
  PINES + PEG = EAGLE ~~ Words Used : EAGLE, PEG and PINES.
  PINES + PEG = GAUGE ~~ Words Used : GAUGE, PEG and PINES.
  PINES + PEG = GUEST ~~ Words Used : GUEST, PEG and PINES.
  PINES + PEG = SHELF ~~ Words Used : PEG, PINES and SHELF.
  PINES + PEG = STATE ~~ Words Used : PEG, PINES and STATE.
  PINES + PEGS = BEGIN ~~ Words Used : BEGIN, PEGS and PINES.
  PINES + PEN = CHECK ~~ Words Used : CHECK, PEN and PINES.
  PINES + PEN = EQUIP ~~ Words Used : EQUIP, PEN and PINES.
  PINES + PEN = NERVE ~~ Words Used : NERVE, PEN and PINES.
  PINES + PEN = SCOPE ~~ Words Used : PEN, PINES and SCOPE.
  PINES + PENS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, PENS and PINES.
  PINES + PENS = BEGIN ~~ Words Used : BEGIN, PENS and PINES.
  PINES + PENS = KEVIN ~~ Words Used : KEVIN, PENS and PINES.
  PINES + PENS = KNIFE ~~ Words Used : KNIFE, PENS and PINES.
  PINES + PENS = NERVE ~~ Words Used : NERVE, PENS and PINES.
  PINES + PENS = NOISE ~~ Words Used : NOISE, PENS and PINES.
  PINES + PENS = PEACE ~~ Words Used : PEACE, PENS and PINES.
  PINES + PENS = SERVE ~~ Words Used : PENS, PINES and SERVE.
  PINES + PENS = SHORN ~~ Words Used : PENS, PINES and SHORN.
  PINES + PENS = SHOWN ~~ Words Used : PENS, PINES and SHOWN.
  PINES + PENS = SLEPT ~~ Words Used : PENS, PINES and SLEPT.
  PINES + PENS = SWEPT ~~ Words Used : PENS, PINES and SWEPT.
  PINES + PENS = TASTE ~~ Words Used : PENS, PINES and TASTE.
  PINES + PENS = UNITE ~~ Words Used : PENS, PINES and UNITE.
  PINES + PENS = VERSE ~~ Words Used : PENS, PINES and VERSE.
  PINES + PIER = ARISE ~~ Words Used : ARISE, PIER and PINES.
  PINES + PIN = HASTE ~~ Words Used : HASTE, PIN and PINES.
  PINES + PIN = WASTE ~~ Words Used : PIN, PINES and WASTE.
  PINES + PINS = BASIN ~~ Words Used : BASIN, PINES and PINS.
  PINES + PINS = ENEMY ~~ Words Used : ENEMY, PINES and PINS.
  PINES + PINS = SNAKE ~~ Words Used : PINES, PINS and SNAKE.
  PINES + PINS = STERN ~~ Words Used : PINES, PINS and STERN.
  PINES + PINT = NESTS ~~ Words Used : NESTS, PINES and PINT.
  PINES + PIPE = BEGIN ~~ Words Used : BEGIN, PINES and PIPE.
  PINES + PIPE = KEVIN ~~ Words Used : KEVIN, PINES and PIPE.
  PINES + POPS = NEEDS ~~ Words Used : NEEDS, PINES and POPS.
  PINES + POT = FLESH ~~ Words Used : FLESH, PINES and POT.
  PINES + POT = FRESH ~~ Words Used : FRESH, PINES and POT.
  PINES + PUT = BRUSH ~~ Words Used : BRUSH, PINES and PUT.
  PINES + PUT = FLESH ~~ Words Used : FLESH, PINES and PUT.
  PINES + PUT = FLUSH ~~ Words Used : FLUSH, PINES and PUT.
  PINES + PUT = FRESH ~~ Words Used : FRESH, PINES and PUT.
  PINES + RAIL = SPEAR ~~ Words Used : PINES, RAIL and SPEAR.
  PINES + RAIN = RAISE ~~ Words Used : PINES, RAIN and RAISE.
  PINES + RAP = EVERY ~~ Words Used : EVERY, PINES and RAP.
  PINES + REAP = CRANK ~~ Words Used : CRANK, PINES and REAP.
  PINES + REAP = FRANK ~~ Words Used : FRANK, PINES and REAP.
  PINES + REAP = GRANT ~~ Words Used : GRANT, PINES and REAP.
  PINES + REAP = RAISE ~~ Words Used : PINES, RAISE and REAP.
  PINES + RICE = TREAT ~~ Words Used : PINES, RICE and TREAT.
  PINES + RIDS = SPEND ~~ Words Used : PINES, RIDS and SPEND.
  PINES + RING = SPOON ~~ Words Used : PINES, RING and SPOON.
  PINES + RINK = SPOON ~~ Words Used : PINES, RINK and SPOON.
  PINES + RIP = SHEAR ~~ Words Used : PINES, RIP and SHEAR.
  PINES + RIPE = SPEAR ~~ Words Used : PINES, RIPE and SPEAR.
  PINES + RIPE = SPRAY ~~ Words Used : PINES, RIPE and SPRAY.
  PINES + RIPE = STAIR ~~ Words Used : PINES, RIPE and STAIR.
  PINES + RIPS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, PINES and RIPS.
  PINES + RIPS = REELS ~~ Words Used : PINES, REELS and RIPS.
  PINES + RISE = MUSIC ~~ Words Used : MUSIC, PINES and RISE.
  PINES + SAPS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, PINES and SAPS.
  PINES + SEAL = ALLEN ~~ Words Used : ALLEN, PINES and SEAL.
  PINES + SEAS = ISSUE ~~ Words Used : ISSUE, PINES and SEAS.
  PINES + SEE = AFFIX ~~ Words Used : AFFIX, PINES and SEE.
  PINES + SEE = ALBAN ~~ Words Used : ALBAN, PINES and SEE.
  PINES + SEE = SARAH ~~ Words Used : PINES, SARAH and SEE.
  PINES + SEEN = LOOSE ~~ Words Used : LOOSE, PINES and SEEN.
  PINES + SEEN = MESSY ~~ Words Used : MESSY, PINES and SEEN.
  PINES + SEEN = SHINE ~~ Words Used : PINES, SEEN and SHINE.
  PINES + SEEN = SHIPS ~~ Words Used : PINES, SEEN and SHIPS.
  PINES + SEEN = SNAPS ~~ Words Used : PINES, SEEN and SNAPS.
  PINES + SEES = CHILL ~~ Words Used : CHILL, PINES and SEES.
  PINES + SEES = SHALL ~~ Words Used : PINES, SEES and SHALL.
  PINES + SEES = SPILL ~~ Words Used : PINES, SEES and SPILL.
  PINES + SEND = EXITS ~~ Words Used : EXITS, PINES and SEND.
  PINES + SENT = STATE ~~ Words Used : PINES, SENT and STATE.
  PINES + SET = SARAH ~~ Words Used : PINES, SARAH and SET.
  PINES + SETS = ISSUE ~~ Words Used : ISSUE, PINES and SETS.
  PINES + SETS = TROOP ~~ Words Used : PINES, SETS and TROOP.
  PINES + SEW = BLOWN ~~ Words Used : BLOWN, PINES and SEW.
  PINES + SEW = FLOWN ~~ Words Used : FLOWN, PINES and SEW.
  PINES + SEWN = SWABS ~~ Words Used : PINES, SEWN and SWABS.
  PINES + SEWN = SWATS ~~ Words Used : PINES, SEWN and SWATS.
  PINES + SEWN = SWIMS ~~ Words Used : PINES, SEWN and SWIMS.
  PINES + SEWS = ISSUE ~~ Words Used : ISSUE, PINES and SEWS.
  PINES + SHE = HARRY ~~ Words Used : HARRY, PINES and SHE.
  PINES + SHE = HURRY ~~ Words Used : HURRY, PINES and SHE.
  PINES + SHE = SHOWN ~~ Words Used : PINES, SHE and SHOWN.
  PINES + SHE = SLASH ~~ Words Used : PINES, SHE and SLASH.
  PINES + SHE = SMASH ~~ Words Used : PINES, SHE and SMASH.
  PINES + SIDE = NOISY ~~ Words Used : NOISY, PINES and SIDE.
  PINES + SIDE = SPEND ~~ Words Used : PINES, SIDE and SPEND.
  PINES + SIGN = GLASS ~~ Words Used : GLASS, PINES and SIGN.
  PINES + SIGN = GRASS ~~ Words Used : GRASS, PINES and SIGN.
  PINES + SIGN = GROSS ~~ Words Used : GROSS, PINES and SIGN.
  PINES + SIGN = GUESS ~~ Words Used : GUESS, PINES and SIGN.
  PINES + SIGN = IRENE ~~ Words Used : IRENE, PINES and SIGN.
  PINES + SILL = NURSE ~~ Words Used : NURSE, PINES and SILL.
  PINES + SIPS = SPELL ~~ Words Used : PINES, SIPS and SPELL.
  PINES + SIR = IMAGE ~~ Words Used : IMAGE, PINES and SIR.
  PINES + SIR = IVORY ~~ Words Used : IVORY, PINES and SIR.
  PINES + SIR = SURGE ~~ Words Used : PINES, SIR and SURGE.
  PINES + SIRS = ARRAY ~~ Words Used : ARRAY, PINES and SIRS.
  PINES + SIRS = IRENE ~~ Words Used : IRENE, PINES and SIRS.
  PINES + SIRS = VERSE ~~ Words Used : PINES, SIRS and VERSE.
  PINES + SIT = IMAGE ~~ Words Used : IMAGE, PINES and SIT.
  PINES + SITE = NOISY ~~ Words Used : NOISY, PINES and SITE.
  PINES + SITE = SPENT ~~ Words Used : PINES, SITE and SPENT.
  PINES + SITE = SWEPT ~~ Words Used : PINES, SITE and SWEPT.
  PINES + SITS = ENTRY ~~ Words Used : ENTRY, PINES and SITS.
  PINES + SITS = STERN ~~ Words Used : PINES, SITS and STERN.
  PINES + SIX = IMAGE ~~ Words Used : IMAGE, PINES and SIX.
  PINES + SIZE = NOISY ~~ Words Used : NOISY, PINES and SIZE.
  PINES + SKIN = ISSUE ~~ Words Used : ISSUE, PINES and SKIN.
  PINES + SKIN = NOISE ~~ Words Used : NOISE, PINES and SKIN.
  PINES + SKIN = SPIKE ~~ Words Used : PINES, SKIN and SPIKE.
  PINES + SLIP = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, PINES and SLIP.
  PINES + SLIP = EAGLE ~~ Words Used : EAGLE, PINES and SLIP.
  PINES + SOON = SEEDS ~~ Words Used : PINES, SEEDS and SOON.
  PINES + SOON = SEEKS ~~ Words Used : PINES, SEEKS and SOON.
  PINES + SOON = SEEMS ~~ Words Used : PINES, SEEMS and SOON.
  PINES + SPAN = HAPPY ~~ Words Used : HAPPY, PINES and SPAN.
  PINES + SPAN = SHINE ~~ Words Used : PINES, SHINE and SPAN.
  PINES + SPAN = SLASH ~~ Words Used : PINES, SLASH and SPAN.
  PINES + SPAN = SNAKE ~~ Words Used : PINES, SNAKE and SPAN.
  PINES + SPAN = STAIR ~~ Words Used : PINES, SPAN and STAIR.
  PINES + SPIN = SHINY ~~ Words Used : PINES, SHINY and SPIN.
  PINES + SPIN = SLICE ~~ Words Used : PINES, SLICE and SPIN.
  PINES + SPIN = SLIDE ~~ Words Used : PINES, SLIDE and SPIN.
  PINES + SPIN = SLIME ~~ Words Used : PINES, SLIME and SPIN.
  PINES + SPIN = SLING ~~ Words Used : PINES, SLING and SPIN.
  PINES + SPIN = STING ~~ Words Used : PINES, SPIN and STING.
  PINES + SPIN = SWING ~~ Words Used : PINES, SPIN and SWING.
  PINES + SPUN = SHINE ~~ Words Used : PINES, SHINE and SPUN.
  PINES + STEP = SLEPT ~~ Words Used : PINES, SLEPT and STEP.
  PINES + STEP = SWEPT ~~ Words Used : PINES, STEP and SWEPT.
  PINES + SUIT = ISSUE ~~ Words Used : ISSUE, PINES and SUIT.
  PINES + SUN = SOUTH ~~ Words Used : PINES, SOUTH and SUN.
  PINES + TAIL = SPENT ~~ Words Used : PINES, SPENT and TAIL.
  PINES + TAPE = SPENT ~~ Words Used : PINES, SPENT and TAPE.
  PINES + TEN = CHEST ~~ Words Used : CHEST, PINES and TEN.
  PINES + TEN = EVENT ~~ Words Used : EVENT, PINES and TEN.
  PINES + TEN = TOAST ~~ Words Used : PINES, TEN and TOAST.
  PINES + TENS = ANITA ~~ Words Used : ANITA, PINES and TENS.
  PINES + TENS = KEVIN ~~ Words Used : KEVIN, PINES and TENS.
  PINES + TENS = QUITE ~~ Words Used : PINES, QUITE and TENS.
  PINES + TENS = WHITE ~~ Words Used : PINES, TENS and WHITE.
  PINES + TENS = WRITE ~~ Words Used : PINES, TENS and WRITE.
  PINES + THAT = TEETH ~~ Words Used : PINES, TEETH and THAT.
  PINES + THEN = SPENT ~~ Words Used : PINES, SPENT and THEN.
  PINES + TIN = SHOOT ~~ Words Used : PINES, SHOOT and TIN.
  PINES + TIN = TASTE ~~ Words Used : PINES, TASTE and TIN.
  PINES + TIN = TROOP ~~ Words Used : PINES, TIN and TROOP.
  PINES + TINA = SPENT ~~ Words Used : PINES, SPENT and TINA.
  PINES + TINY = SPENT ~~ Words Used : PINES, SPENT and TINY.
  PINES + TIPS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, PINES and TIPS.
  PINES x TO = SIXTHS ~~ Words Used : PINES, SIXTHS, STOOD and TO.
  PINES + TOES = SPENT ~~ Words Used : PINES, SPENT and TOES.
  PINES + TON = FORTY ~~ Words Used : FORTY, PINES and TON.
  PINES + TON = MOUTH ~~ Words Used : MOUTH, PINES and TON.
  PINES + TON = WORTH ~~ Words Used : PINES, TON and WORTH.
  PINES + TREE = ANITA ~~ Words Used : ANITA, PINES and TREE.
  PINES + TRIP = SPENT ~~ Words Used : PINES, SPENT and TRIP.
  PINES + TRUE = NORTH ~~ Words Used : NORTH, PINES and TRUE.
  PINES + TWIG = SPENT ~~ Words Used : PINES, SPENT and TWIG.
  PINES + TYPE = SPENT ~~ Words Used : PINES, SPENT and TYPE.
  PINES + UPON = SPIKE ~~ Words Used : PINES, SPIKE and UPON.
  PINES + USE = SHOUT ~~ Words Used : PINES, SHOUT and USE.
  PINES + USED = SPILL ~~ Words Used : PINES, SPILL and USED.
  PINES + USER = SPILL ~~ Words Used : PINES, SPILL and USER.
  PINES + USES = ISSUE ~~ Words Used : ISSUE, PINES and USES.
  PINES + VENT = STOVE ~~ Words Used : PINES, STOVE and VENT.
  PINES + VICE = LEVEL ~~ Words Used : LEVEL, PINES and VICE.
  PINES + VINE = VISIT ~~ Words Used : PINES, VINE and VISIT.
  PINES + WEEP = SPIKE ~~ Words Used : PINES, SPIKE and WEEP.
  PINES + WIND = SPOON ~~ Words Used : PINES, SPOON and WIND.
  PINES + WING = SPOON ~~ Words Used : PINES, SPOON and WING.
  PINES + WINK = SPOON ~~ Words Used : PINES, SPOON and WINK.
  PINES + WINS = KNOWN ~~ Words Used : KNOWN, PINES and WINS.
  PINES + WINS = OSCAR ~~ Words Used : OSCAR, PINES and WINS.
  PINES + WINS = SPOON ~~ Words Used : PINES, SPOON and WINS.
  PINES + WISE = MUSIC ~~ Words Used : MUSIC, PINES and WISE.
  PINES + WISE = SHOWN ~~ Words Used : PINES, SHOWN and WISE.
  PINES + WISE = SPOOL ~~ Words Used : PINES, SPOOL and WISE.
  PINES + WON = WORLD ~~ Words Used : PINES, WON and WORLD.
  PINES + WON = WORTH ~~ Words Used : PINES, WON and WORTH.
  PINES + WON = WOULD ~~ Words Used : PINES, WON and WOULD.
  PINES + YES = SCENE ~~ Words Used : PINES, SCENE and YES.
  PINES + YES = SOGGY ~~ Words Used : PINES, SOGGY and YES.
  PINES + ZIPS = APPLE ~~ Words Used : APPLE, PINES and ZIPS.
  PINES + ZIPS = IRENE ~~ Words Used : IRENE, PINES and ZIPS.
  PINK + RAKE = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, PINK and RAKE.
  PINK + TAKE = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, PINK and TAKE.
  PINK + WAKE = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, PINK and WAKE.
  PINK + WOKE = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, PINK and WOKE.
  PINT + VENT = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, PINT and VENT.
  PINT + WENT = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, PINT and WENT.
  PLAN + SLAP = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, PLAN and SLAP.
  PLAN + SNAP = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, PLAN and SNAP.
  PLUG + UPON = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, PLUG and UPON.
  POKE + RINK = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, POKE and RINK.
  POKE + SINK = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, POKE and SINK.
  POKE + WINK = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, POKE and WINK.
  POLL + SHOP = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, POLL and SHOP.
  POLL + SOON = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, POLL and SOON.
  POND + RIDE = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, POND and RIDE.
  POND + RODE = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, POND and RODE.
  POND + SIDE = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, POND and SIDE.
  POND + TIDE = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, POND and TIDE.
  POND + WIDE = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, POND and WIDE.
  POOR + ZERO = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, POOR and ZERO.
  POPS x DO = PINES ~~ Words Used : DO, EVES, PINES and POPS.
  POPS x DO = PINES ~~ Words Used : DO, EYES, PINES and POPS.
  POPS x LEE = SLEEPS ~~ Words Used : LEE, PINES, POPS and SLEEPS.
  POPS x TO = PINES ~~ Words Used : EVES, PINES, POPS and TO.
  POPS x TO = PINES ~~ Words Used : EYES, PINES, POPS and TO.
  POPS x UP = PINES ~~ Words Used : EVES, PINES, POPS and UP.
  POPS x UP = PINES ~~ Words Used : EYES, PINES, POPS and UP.
  POPS x WE = EASES ~~ Words Used : EASES, NEWS, PINES, POPS and WE.
  POUR + UPON = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, POUR and UPON.
  PUMP + SPUN = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, PUMP and SPUN.
  PUMP + SWUM = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, PUMP and SWUM.
  PURE + REAP = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, PURE and REAP.
  PURE + REAR = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, PURE and REAR.
  PURR + REAR = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, PURR and REAR.
  PUSH x DO = SEEDS ~~ Words Used : DO, PINES, PUSH and SEEDS.
  PUSH x MY = SEEMS ~~ Words Used : MY, PINES, PUSH and SEEMS.
  RAIN + RAN = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, RAIN and RAN.
  RAISE + EARN = PINES ~~ Words Used : EARN, PINES and RAISE.
  RAISE + NEAR = PINES ~~ Words Used : NEAR, PINES and RAISE.
  RAISE + PEAS = PINES ~~ Words Used : PEAS, PINES and RAISE.
  RAISE + SCAB = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, RAISE and SCAB.
  RAISE + SLAM = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, RAISE and SLAM.
  RAISE + SPAN = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, RAISE and SPAN.
  RAISE + STAR = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, RAISE and STAR.
  RALPH + RIP = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, RALPH and RIP.
  RAPID + PIN = PINES ~~ Words Used : PIN, PINES and RAPID.
  RAPID + RID = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, RAPID and RID.
  RAT x ITS = PINES ~~ Words Used : ACTS, CENT, ITS, PINES and RAT.
  RATIO + SIT = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, RATIO and SIT.
  REACH + AIR = PINES ~~ Words Used : AIR, PINES and REACH.
  REAL + LAP = PINES ~~ Words Used : LAP, PINES and REAL.
  REAR + AIR = PINES ~~ Words Used : AIR, PINES and REAR.
  RECAP + CAR = PINES ~~ Words Used : CAR, PINES and RECAP.
  RECAP + RAG = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, RAG and RECAP.
  RECAP + RAM = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, RAM and RECAP.
  RECAP + RAN = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, RAN and RECAP.
  RECAP + RAT = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, RAT and RECAP.
  RECAP + RAW = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, RAW and RECAP.
  RECAP + RAY = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, RAY and RECAP.
  RECAP + RIP = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, RECAP and RIP.
  RECUR + CUP = PINES ~~ Words Used : CUP, PINES and RECUR.
  RELAY + RAP = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, RAP and RELAY.
  RETRY + TAN = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, RETRY and TAN.
  RING + SIGN = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, RING and SIGN.
  RING + SING = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, RING and SING.
  RIPE + RIPE = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES and RIPE.
  RIPE + RISE = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, RIPE and RISE.
  RIPE + SPAN = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, RIPE and SPAN.
  RIPE + SPAR = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, RIPE and SPAR.
  RIPE + SPUN = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, RIPE and SPUN.
  RIPE + SURE = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, RIPE and SURE.
  RISE + SKIN = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, RISE and SKIN.
  RISE + SPIN = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, RISE and SPIN.
  ROBIN + BOON = PINES ~~ Words Used : BOON, PINES and ROBIN.
  ROBIN + RIB = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, RIB and ROBIN.
  RODE + ROD = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, ROD and RODE.
  RODS x ON = PINES ~~ Words Used : ON, PINES, PROP, RODS and SUNS.
  ROLL + OIL = PINES ~~ Words Used : OIL, PINES and ROLL.
  ROLL + ORE = PINES ~~ Words Used : ORE, PINES and ROLL.
  ROPE + ROSE = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, ROPE and ROSE.
  ROPE + SPIN = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, ROPE and SPIN.
  ROSE + SORT = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, ROSE and SORT.
  ROWS x ON = PINES ~~ Words Used : ON, PINES, PROP, ROWS and SUNS.
  RUNS + SURE = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, RUNS and SURE.
  RUSH + SURE = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, RUSH and SURE.
  SACK x US = PINES ~~ Words Used : IDEAS, PINES, SACK and US.
  SAIL + SLAP = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SAIL and SLAP.
  SAND + SIDE = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SAND and SIDE.
  SANG + AGE = PINES ~~ Words Used : AGE, PINES and SANG.
  SARAH + SHE = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SARAH and SHE.
  SCENE + COOK = PINES ~~ Words Used : COOK, PINES and SCENE.
  SCENE + EASE = PINES ~~ Words Used : EASE, PINES and SCENE.
  SCENE + ELSE = PINES ~~ Words Used : ELSE, PINES and SCENE.
  SCENE + ONE = PINES ~~ Words Used : ONE, PINES and SCENE.
  SCENE + PECK = PINES ~~ Words Used : PECK, PINES and SCENE.
  SCENE + PINS = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, PINS and SCENE.
  SCENE + SHE = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SCENE and SHE.
  SCENE + SING = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SCENE and SING.
  SCENE + SINK = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SCENE and SINK.
  SCENE + TEST = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SCENE and TEST.
  SCENE + USE = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SCENE and USE.
  SCOPE + CONN = PINES ~~ Words Used : CONN, PINES and SCOPE.
  SCOPE + PINS = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, PINS and SCOPE.
  SCORE + SIR = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SCORE and SIR.
  SEEK + SINK = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SEEK and SINK.
  SEEN + SEWN = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SEEN and SEWN.
  SEEN + SIDE = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SEEN and SIDE.
  SEEN + SIGN = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SEEN and SIGN.
  SEEN + SING = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SEEN and SING.
  SEEN + SINK = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SEEN and SINK.
  SEEN + SITE = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SEEN and SITE.
  SEEN + SIZE = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SEEN and SIZE.
  SEIZE + PIPE = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, PIPE and SEIZE.
  SELLS + ALAN = PINES ~~ Words Used : ALAN, PINES and SELLS.
  SELLS + NEST = PINES ~~ Words Used : NEST, PINES and SELLS.
  SEND + SIDE = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SEND and SIDE.
  SENSE + ANNE = PINES ~~ Words Used : ANNE, PINES and SENSE.
  SENSE + CONN = PINES ~~ Words Used : CONN, PINES and SENSE.
  SENSE + NULL = PINES ~~ Words Used : NULL, PINES and SENSE.
  SENT + SITE = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SENT and SITE.
  SENT + STEP = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SENT and STEP.
  SERVO + SONS = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SERVO and SONS.
  SETUP + SPUN = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SETUP and SPUN.
  SEVEN + DIED = PINES ~~ Words Used : DIED, PINES and SEVEN.
  SEVEN + EVEN = PINES ~~ Words Used : EVEN, PINES and SEVEN.
  SEVER + EVEN = PINES ~~ Words Used : EVEN, PINES and SEVER.
  SEWED + DID = PINES ~~ Words Used : DID, PINES and SEWED.
  SEWN + SEWN = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES and SEWN.
  SEWN + SPIN = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SEWN and SPIN.
  SEWN + VINE = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SEWN and VINE.
  SEWN + WINE = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SEWN and WINE.
  SEWN + WISE = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SEWN and WISE.
  SHAKE + ASK = PINES ~~ Words Used : ASK, PINES and SHAKE.
  SHALL + SHE = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SHALL and SHE.
  SHAPE + PINS = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, PINS and SHAPE.
  SHARE + SIR = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SHARE and SIR.
  SHEAR + AIR = PINES ~~ Words Used : AIR, PINES and SHEAR.
  SHEAR + RAN = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, RAN and SHEAR.
  SHINE + CHIN = PINES ~~ Words Used : CHIN, PINES and SHINE.
  SHINE + NINE = PINES ~~ Words Used : NINE, PINES and SHINE.
  SHINE + PENS = PINES ~~ Words Used : PENS, PINES and SHINE.
  SHINE + SEND = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SEND and SHINE.
  SHINE + SENT = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SENT and SHINE.
  SHINE + SING = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SHINE and SING.
  SHINE + SINK = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SHINE and SINK.
  SHINE + SPIN = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SHINE and SPIN.
  SHIPS + NINE = PINES ~~ Words Used : NINE, PINES and SHIPS.
  SHIPS + PANE = PINES ~~ Words Used : PANE, PINES and SHIPS.
  SHOE + HOP = PINES ~~ Words Used : HOP, PINES and SHOE.
  SHOE + SON = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SHOE and SON.
  SHONE + SON = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SHONE and SON.
  SHONE + SOON = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SHONE and SOON.
  SHORE + SIR = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SHORE and SIR.
  SHOWN + TON = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SHOWN and TON.
  SIDED + EDIT = PINES ~~ Words Used : EDIT, PINES and SIDED.
  SIDED + ICED = PINES ~~ Words Used : ICED, PINES and SIDED.
  SIDED + IDEA = PINES ~~ Words Used : IDEA, PINES and SIDED.
  SIDED + IDLE = PINES ~~ Words Used : IDLE, PINES and SIDED.
  SIDED + LIED = PINES ~~ Words Used : LIED, PINES and SIDED.
  SIGN + SIGN = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES and SIGN.
  SIGN + SINK = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SIGN and SINK.
  SIGN + WING = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SIGN and WING.
  SILK + SLIP = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SILK and SLIP.
  SILL + SILL = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES and SILL.
  SILL + SLID = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SILL and SLID.
  SING + SPIN = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SING and SPIN.
  SING + SPUN = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SING and SPUN.
  SING + WING = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SING and WING.
  SINK + SKIN = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SINK and SKIN.
  SINK + SPIN = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SINK and SPIN.
  SINK + SPUN = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SINK and SPUN.
  SIPS + SKIN = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SIPS and SKIN.
  SITE + SITS = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SITE and SITS.
  SITE + TAPE = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SITE and TAPE.
  SITE + TENT = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SITE and TENT.
  SITE + THIN = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SITE and THIN.
  SITE + TYPE = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SITE and TYPE.
  SKILL + ELSE = PINES ~~ Words Used : ELSE, PINES and SKILL.
  SKILL + LIKE = PINES ~~ Words Used : LIKE, PINES and SKILL.
  SKIN + VINE = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SKIN and VINE.
  SKIN + WISE = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SKIN and WISE.
  SKIPS + KEPT = PINES ~~ Words Used : KEPT, PINES and SKIPS.
  SKIPS + NINE = PINES ~~ Words Used : NINE, PINES and SKIPS.
  SKIPS + PANE = PINES ~~ Words Used : PANE, PINES and SKIPS.
  SLASH + SPAN = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SLASH and SPAN.
  SLATE + SIT = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SIT and SLATE.
  SLEPT + ELSE = PINES ~~ Words Used : ELSE, PINES and SLEPT.
  SLEPT + LIPS = PINES ~~ Words Used : LIPS, PINES and SLEPT.
  SLEPT + PILE = PINES ~~ Words Used : PILE, PINES and SLEPT.
  SLEPT + PIT = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, PIT and SLEPT.
  SLEPT + TILT = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SLEPT and TILT.
  SLICE + CELL = PINES ~~ Words Used : CELL, PINES and SLICE.
  SLICE + SLIP = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SLICE and SLIP.
  SLID + SLIP = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SLID and SLIP.
  SLIDE + SLIP = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SLIDE and SLIP.
  SLIM + SLIP = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SLIM and SLIP.
  SLIME + MILL = PINES ~~ Words Used : MILL, PINES and SLIME.
  SLIME + SLIP = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SLIME and SLIP.
  SLING + LANE = PINES ~~ Words Used : LANE, PINES and SLING.
  SLING + SING = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SING and SLING.
  SLIP + SLIT = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SLIP and SLIT.
  SLIP + TILL = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SLIP and TILL.
  SLIP + TILT = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SLIP and TILT.
  SLIP + WILD = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SLIP and WILD.
  SLIP + WILL = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SLIP and WILL.
  SLIPS + PANE = PINES ~~ Words Used : PANE, PINES and SLIPS.
  SLIT + TILL = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SLIT and TILL.
  SLOPE + PILE = PINES ~~ Words Used : PILE, PINES and SLOPE.
  SLOPE + PINS = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, PINS and SLOPE.
  SMELL + LIME = PINES ~~ Words Used : LIME, PINES and SMELL.
  SNAKE + KIND = PINES ~~ Words Used : KIND, PINES and SNAKE.
  SNAP x NO = ODORS ~~ Words Used : NO, ODORS, PINES and SNAP.
  SNAPS + PANE = PINES ~~ Words Used : PANE, PINES and SNAPS.
  SOME + SAM = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SAM and SOME.
  SOON + END = PINES ~~ Words Used : END, PINES and SOON.
  SOON + SOON = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES and SOON.
  SPACE + APE = PINES ~~ Words Used : APE, PINES and SPACE.
  SPACE + PAIN = PINES ~~ Words Used : PAIN, PINES and SPACE.
  SPADE + APE = PINES ~~ Words Used : APE, PINES and SPADE.
  SPADE + PAID = PINES ~~ Words Used : PAID, PINES and SPADE.
  SPADE + PAIN = PINES ~~ Words Used : PAIN, PINES and SPADE.
  SPAN x AM = PINES ~~ Words Used : AM, PINES, SELLS and SPAN.
  SPAN x AX = PINES ~~ Words Used : AX, PINES, SELLS and SPAN.
  SPAN + SPIN = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SPAN and SPIN.
  SPAN + WIPE = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SPAN and WIPE.
  SPANK + SINK = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SINK and SPANK.
  SPANK + SPAN = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SPAN and SPANK.
  SPANS + NINE = PINES ~~ Words Used : NINE, PINES and SPANS.
  SPANS + PIPE = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, PIPE and SPANS.
  SPANS + RIPE = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, RIPE and SPANS.
  SPANS + WIPE = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SPANS and WIPE.
  SPARE + APE = PINES ~~ Words Used : APE, PINES and SPARE.
  SPARE + PAIN = PINES ~~ Words Used : PAIN, PINES and SPARE.
  SPARE + PAIR = PINES ~~ Words Used : PAIR, PINES and SPARE.
  SPARE + RIPE = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, RIPE and SPARE.
  SPARE + RISE = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, RISE and SPARE.
  SPEAK + ASK = PINES ~~ Words Used : ASK, PINES and SPEAK.
  SPEAK + OAK = PINES ~~ Words Used : OAK, PINES and SPEAK.
  SPEAK + PAN = PINES ~~ Words Used : PAN, PINES and SPEAK.
  SPEAK + SANK = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SANK and SPEAK.
  SPEAR + OAR = PINES ~~ Words Used : OAR, PINES and SPEAR.
  SPEAR + PAN = PINES ~~ Words Used : PAN, PINES and SPEAR.
  SPEAR + RAN = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, RAN and SPEAR.
  SPEED + DID = PINES ~~ Words Used : DID, PINES and SPEED.
  SPEED + PINE = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINE, PINES and SPEED.
  SPELL + ASK = PINES ~~ Words Used : ASK, PINES and SPELL.
  SPELL + END = PINES ~~ Words Used : END, PINES and SPELL.
  SPELL + FLY = PINES ~~ Words Used : FLY, PINES and SPELL.
  SPELL + LAW = PINES ~~ Words Used : LAW, PINES and SPELL.
  SPELL + LAY = PINES ~~ Words Used : LAY, PINES and SPELL.
  SPELL + PAN = PINES ~~ Words Used : PAN, PINES and SPELL.
  SPELL + PILE = PINES ~~ Words Used : PILE, PINES and SPELL.
  SPELL + PINE = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINE, PINES and SPELL.
  SPELL + SHE = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SHE and SPELL.
  SPELL + SPIN = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SPELL and SPIN.
  SPELL + SUE = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SPELL and SUE.
  SPELL + USE = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SPELL and USE.
  SPEND + ONE = PINES ~~ Words Used : ONE, PINES and SPEND.
  SPEND + PINS = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, PINS and SPEND.
  SPEND + SPED = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SPED and SPEND.
  SPENT + NEAT = PINES ~~ Words Used : NEAT, PINES and SPENT.
  SPENT + NEXT = PINES ~~ Words Used : NEXT, PINES and SPENT.
  SPENT + ONE = PINES ~~ Words Used : ONE, PINES and SPENT.
  SPENT + PINS = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, PINS and SPENT.
  SPENT + SPOT = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SPENT and SPOT.
  SPIKE + DISK = PINES ~~ Words Used : DISK, PINES and SPIKE.
  SPIKE + KEPT = PINES ~~ Words Used : KEPT, PINES and SPIKE.
  SPIKE + PENS = PINES ~~ Words Used : PENS, PINES and SPIKE.
  SPIKE + PIPE = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, PIPE and SPIKE.
  SPIKE + POOR = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, POOR and SPIKE.
  SPILL + CAPE = PINES ~~ Words Used : CAPE, PINES and SPILL.
  SPILL + DOPE = PINES ~~ Words Used : DOPE, PINES and SPILL.
  SPILL + ELSE = PINES ~~ Words Used : ELSE, PINES and SPILL.
  SPILL + HOPE = PINES ~~ Words Used : HOPE, PINES and SPILL.
  SPILL + PILE = PINES ~~ Words Used : PILE, PINES and SPILL.
  SPILL + RISE = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, RISE and SPILL.
  SPILL + ROPE = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, ROPE and SPILL.
  SPILL + TAPE = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SPILL and TAPE.
  SPILL + WISE = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SPILL and WISE.
  SPIN + SPUN = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SPIN and SPUN.
  SPIN + TAPE = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SPIN and TAPE.
  SPIN + TYPE = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SPIN and TYPE.
  SPIN + WIRE = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SPIN and WIRE.
  SPIN + WISE = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SPIN and WISE.
  SPINS + CAPE = PINES ~~ Words Used : CAPE, PINES and SPINS.
  SPINS + DOPE = PINES ~~ Words Used : DOPE, PINES and SPINS.
  SPINS + HOPE = PINES ~~ Words Used : HOPE, PINES and SPINS.
  SPINS + NINE = PINES ~~ Words Used : NINE, PINES and SPINS.
  SPINS + RIPE = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, RIPE and SPINS.
  SPINS + ROPE = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, ROPE and SPINS.
  SPINS + SIDE = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SIDE and SPINS.
  SPINS + SITE = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SITE and SPINS.
  SPINS + SIZE = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SIZE and SPINS.
  SPINS + TAPE = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SPINS and TAPE.
  SPINS + WIPE = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SPINS and WIPE.
  SPLIT + ELSE = PINES ~~ Words Used : ELSE, PINES and SPLIT.
  SPLIT + PALE = PINES ~~ Words Used : PALE, PINES and SPLIT.
  SPLIT + PILE = PINES ~~ Words Used : PILE, PINES and SPLIT.
  SPLIT + POLE = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, POLE and SPLIT.
  SPOIL + COOL = PINES ~~ Words Used : COOL, PINES and SPOIL.
  SPOIL + ELSE = PINES ~~ Words Used : ELSE, PINES and SPOIL.
  SPOIL + FOOL = PINES ~~ Words Used : FOOL, PINES and SPOIL.
  SPOIL + IRON = PINES ~~ Words Used : IRON, PINES and SPOIL.
  SPOIL + LION = PINES ~~ Words Used : LION, PINES and SPOIL.
  SPOIL + POLE = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, POLE and SPOIL.
  SPOIL + TOOL = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SPOIL and TOOL.
  SPOIL + WOOL = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SPOIL and WOOL.
  SPOKE + POOL = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, POOL and SPOKE.
  SPOOL + LION = PINES ~~ Words Used : LION, PINES and SPOOL.
  SPOOL + POKE = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, POKE and SPOOL.
  SPOON + APE = PINES ~~ Words Used : APE, PINES and SPOON.
  SPOON + BOB = PINES ~~ Words Used : BOB, PINES and SPOON.
  SPOON + BOW = PINES ~~ Words Used : BOW, PINES and SPOON.
  SPOON + BOX = PINES ~~ Words Used : BOX, PINES and SPOON.
  SPOON + BOY = PINES ~~ Words Used : BOY, PINES and SPOON.
  SPOON + COW = PINES ~~ Words Used : COW, PINES and SPOON.
  SPOON + DOG = PINES ~~ Words Used : DOG, PINES and SPOON.
  SPOON + FOG = PINES ~~ Words Used : FOG, PINES and SPOON.
  SPOON + FOR = PINES ~~ Words Used : FOR, PINES and SPOON.
  SPOON + FOX = PINES ~~ Words Used : FOX, PINES and SPOON.
  SPOON + HOW = PINES ~~ Words Used : HOW, PINES and SPOON.
  SPOON + LOG = PINES ~~ Words Used : LOG, PINES and SPOON.
  SPOON + LOW = PINES ~~ Words Used : LOW, PINES and SPOON.
  SPOON + MOW = PINES ~~ Words Used : MOW, PINES and SPOON.
  SPOON + NONE = PINES ~~ Words Used : NONE, PINES and SPOON.
  SPOON + NOON = PINES ~~ Words Used : NOON, PINES and SPOON.
  SPOON + OAK = PINES ~~ Words Used : OAK, PINES and SPOON.
  SPOON + OAR = PINES ~~ Words Used : OAR, PINES and SPOON.
  SPOON + OHM = PINES ~~ Words Used : OHM, PINES and SPOON.
  SPOON + OLD = PINES ~~ Words Used : OLD, PINES and SPOON.
  SPOON + OUR = PINES ~~ Words Used : OUR, PINES and SPOON.
  SPOON + PANE = PINES ~~ Words Used : PANE, PINES and SPOON.
  SPOON + POST = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, POST and SPOON.
  SPOON + POT = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, POT and SPOON.
  SPOON + SING = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SING and SPOON.
  SPOON + SINK = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SINK and SPOON.
  SPOON + SOIL = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SOIL and SPOON.
  SPOON + SOON = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SOON and SPOON.
  SPOON + SPIN = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SPIN and SPOON.
  SPOON + SPOT = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SPOON and SPOT.
  SPOON + TON = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SPOON and TON.
  SPOON + TOOT = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SPOON and TOOT.
  SPOON + WON = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SPOON and WON.
  SPORT + ROPE = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, ROPE and SPORT.
  SPUN + WIPE = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SPUN and WIPE.
  STAIR + ARC = PINES ~~ Words Used : ARC, PINES and STAIR.
  STAIR + ARE = PINES ~~ Words Used : ARE, PINES and STAIR.
  STAIR + ARM = PINES ~~ Words Used : ARM, PINES and STAIR.
  STAIR + EAR = PINES ~~ Words Used : EAR, PINES and STAIR.
  STAIR + SIR = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SIR and STAIR.
  STAND + ATE = PINES ~~ Words Used : ATE, PINES and STAND.
  STAND + TINA = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, STAND and TINA.
  STATE + ALAN = PINES ~~ Words Used : ALAN, PINES and STATE.
  STATE + FAN = PINES ~~ Words Used : FAN, PINES and STATE.
  STATE + NINE = PINES ~~ Words Used : NINE, PINES and STATE.
  STATE + PIPE = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, PIPE and STATE.
  STEAM + DIM = PINES ~~ Words Used : DIM, PINES and STEAM.
  STEAM + RIM = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, RIM and STEAM.
  STERN + RAN = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, RAN and STERN.
  STERN + RISE = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, RISE and STERN.
  STILL + ELSE = PINES ~~ Words Used : ELSE, PINES and STILL.
  STILL + SLIT = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SLIT and STILL.
  STING + NOTE = PINES ~~ Words Used : NOTE, PINES and STING.
  STING + SITE = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SITE and STING.
  STING + TONE = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, STING and TONE.
  STING + TUNE = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, STING and TUNE.
  STONE + PINT = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, PINT and STONE.
  STONE + TINA = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, STONE and TINA.
  STONE + TINY = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, STONE and TINY.
  STOOL + OIL = PINES ~~ Words Used : OIL, PINES and STOOL.
  STOP + TOE = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, STOP and TOE.
  STRIP + PINE = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINE, PINES and STRIP.
  SUIT + TUNE = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SUIT and TUNE.
  SUSAN + SAD = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SAD and SUSAN.
  SUSAN + SAY = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SAY and SUSAN.
  SUSAN + SUE = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SUE and SUSAN.
  SWAP + WINE = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SWAP and WINE.
  SWEPT + PIT = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, PIT and SWEPT.
  SWING + WISE = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SWING and WISE.
  SWUNG + WINE = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SWUNG and WINE.
  TABLE + BIN = PINES ~~ Words Used : BIN, PINES and TABLE.
  TAPE + APE = PINES ~~ Words Used : APE, PINES and TAPE.
  TASTE + NEST = PINES ~~ Words Used : NEST, PINES and TASTE.
  TASTE + PAST = PINES ~~ Words Used : PAST, PINES and TASTE.
  TASTE + TAN = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, TAN and TASTE.
  TEAM + MAP = PINES ~~ Words Used : MAP, PINES and TEAM.
  TEAR + RAP = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, RAP and TEAR.
  TEETH + SHOE = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SHOE and TEETH.
  TELL + LAP = PINES ~~ Words Used : LAP, PINES and TELL.
  TELLS + NETS = PINES ~~ Words Used : NETS, PINES and TELLS.
  TENT + ONE = PINES ~~ Words Used : ONE, PINES and TENT.
  TENT + TEST = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, TENT and TEST.
  TENT + TILT = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, TENT and TILT.
  TEST x AS = DRESS ~~ Words Used : AS, DRESS, PINES and TEST.
  TESTS + NETS = PINES ~~ Words Used : NETS, PINES and TESTS.
  TESTS + NEWS = PINES ~~ Words Used : NEWS, PINES and TESTS.
  THANK + EAT = PINES ~~ Words Used : EAT, PINES and THANK.
  THEIR + ART = PINES ~~ Words Used : ART, PINES and THEIR.
  THEIR + PINE = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINE, PINES and THEIR.
  THERE + SIR = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SIR and THERE.
  THERE + TIN = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, THERE and TIN.
  TILT + TILT = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES and TILT.
  TINA x AS = PINES ~~ Words Used : AS, PINES, TINA and TOOTS.
  TITLE + LINT = PINES ~~ Words Used : LINT, PINES and TITLE.
  TITLE + SLIT = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SLIT and TITLE.
  TONE + TOE = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, TOE and TONE.
  TONE + TON = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, TON and TONE.
  TOOL + OIL = PINES ~~ Words Used : OIL, PINES and TOOL.
  TOOL + TOE = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, TOE and TOOL.
  TOOT + TAN = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, TAN and TOOT.
  TOOTH + THE = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, THE and TOOTH.
  TOXIC + SIX = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SIX and TOXIC.
  TREAT + AID = PINES ~~ Words Used : AID, PINES and TREAT.
  TREAT + BIT = PINES ~~ Words Used : BIT, PINES and TREAT.
  TREE + SIR = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SIR and TREE.
  TROOP + PIN = PINES ~~ Words Used : PIN, PINES and TROOP.
  TRUST + GUN = PINES ~~ Words Used : GUN, PINES and TRUST.
  TWIG + SAW = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SAW and TWIG.
  TWINE + WIDE = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, TWINE and WIDE.
  TWINE + WIRE = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, TWINE and WIRE.
  TWIST + PINE = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINE, PINES and TWIST.
  TWIST + SKIN = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SKIN and TWIST.
  UNION + SOIL = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SOIL and UNION.
  UNION + SOON = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SOON and UNION.
  UNION + UPON = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, UNION and UPON.
  UNION x US = CLICKS ~~ Words Used : CLICKS, PINES, UNION and US.
  UNITE + AUTO = PINES ~~ Words Used : AUTO, PINES and UNITE.
  UNITE + DUST = PINES ~~ Words Used : DUST, PINES and UNITE.
  UNITE + DUTY = PINES ~~ Words Used : DUTY, PINES and UNITE.
  UNITE + MUST = PINES ~~ Words Used : MUST, PINES and UNITE.
  UNITE + RUST = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, RUST and UNITE.
  UNITE + TUNE = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, TUNE and UNITE.
  USAGE + SAP = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SAP and USAGE.
  VERB + RIB = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, RIB and VERB.
  VICE + VINE = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, VICE and VINE.
  VINE + VINE = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES and VINE.
  VISIT + PINT = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, PINT and VISIT.
  WEAR + RAP = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, RAP and WEAR.
  WEAVE + WIN = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, WEAVE and WIN.
  WEEDS + SEWN = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SEWN and WEEDS.
  WEEKS + SEWN = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SEWN and WEEKS.
  WELLS + NEWS = PINES ~~ Words Used : NEWS, PINES and WELLS.
  WERE + RAN = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, RAN and WERE.
  WERE + SIR = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SIR and WERE.
  WHERE + SIR = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, SIR and WHERE.
  WHERE + WIN = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, WHERE and WIN.
  WIDE + WINE = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, WIDE and WINE.
  WINE + WINE = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES and WINE.
  WINE + WIPE = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, WINE and WIPE.
  WINE + WIRE = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, WINE and WIRE.
  WIPE + WIPE = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES and WIPE.
  WOOL + OIL = PINES ~~ Words Used : OIL, PINES and WOOL.
  WRITE + REST = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, REST and WRITE.
  YEAR + AIR = PINES ~~ Words Used : AIR, PINES and YEAR.
  YEAR + RAP = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, RAP and YEAR.
  YELL + LAP = PINES ~~ Words Used : LAP, PINES and YELL.
  ZONE + JOE = PINES ~~ Words Used : JOE, PINES and ZONE.
  ZONE + ONE = PINES ~~ Words Used : ONE, PINES and ZONE.
  ZONE + TOE = PINES ~~ Words Used : PINES, TOE and ZONE.